Search Results: "alpha"

3 November 2022

Steve Kemp: Alphabetical linting ..

So this week I recycled a talk I'd given in the past, about how even using extremely simple parsers allows a lot of useful static-analysis to be done, for specific niche use-cases. This included examples of scanning comments above classes to ensure they referred to the appropriate object, ensuring that specific function calls always included a specific (optional) parameter, etc. Nothing too complex, but I figured I'd give a new example this time, and I remembered I'd recently written a bunch of functions for an interpreter which I'd ordered quite deliberately. Assume you're writing a BASIC interpreter, you need to implement a bunch of built-in maths functions such as SIN, COS, TAN, then some string-related functions LEFT$, RIGHT$, MID$, etc. When it comes to ordering there are a couple of approaches: Personal preference probably dictates the choice you make, but either way I think it would be rational and obvious that you'd put the functions in alphabetical order:
func ABS( args []primitive.Object) (primitive.Object, error)  
func COS( args []primitive.Object) (primitive.Object, error)  
func SIN( args []primitive.Object) (primitive.Object, error)  
func TAN( args []primitive.Object) (primitive.Object, error)  
I did that myself, and I wrote a perl-script to just parse the file using a simple regexp "^func\s+([^(]+)\(" but then I figured this was a good time to write a real static-analysis tool. The golang environment is full of trivial little linters for various purposes, and the standard "go vet .." driver makes it easy to invoke them. Realizing that I was going to get driven in the same way it was obvious I'd write something called "alphaVet". So anyway, half written for a talk, half-written because of the name:

28 October 2022

Antoine Beaupr : Debating VPN options

In my home lab(s), I have a handful of machines spread around a few points of presence, with mostly residential/commercial cable/DSL uplinks, which means, generally, NAT. This makes monitoring those devices kind of impossible. While I do punch holes for SSH, using jump hosts gets old quick, so I'm considering adding a virtual private network (a "VPN", not a VPN service) so that all machines can be reachable from everywhere. I see three ways this can work:
  1. a home-made Wireguard VPN, deployed with Puppet
  2. a Wireguard VPN overlay, with Tailscale or equivalent
  3. IPv6, native or with tunnels
So which one will it be?

Wireguard Puppet modules As is (unfortunately) typical with Puppet, I found multiple different modules to talk with Wireguard.
module score downloads release stars watch forks license docs contrib issue PR notes
halyard 3.1 1,807 2022-10-14 0 0 0 MIT no requires firewall and Configvault_Write modules?
voxpupuli 5.0 4,201 2022-10-01 2 23 7 AGPLv3 good 1/9 1/4 1/61 optionnally configures ferm, uses systemd-networkd, recommends systemd module with manage_systemd to true, purges unknown keys
abaranov 4.7 17,017 2021-08-20 9 3 38 MIT okay 1/17 4/7 4/28 requires pre-generated private keys
arrnorets 3.1 16,646 2020-12-28 1 2 1 Apache-2 okay 1 0 0 requires pre-generated private keys?
The voxpupuli module seems to be the most promising. The abaranov module is more popular and has more contributors, but it has more open issues and PRs. More critically, the voxpupuli module was written after the abaranov author didn't respond to a PR from the voxpupuli author trying to add more automation (namely private key management). It looks like setting up a wireguard network would be as simple as this on node A:
wireguard::interface   'wg0':
  source_addresses => ['2003:4f8:c17:4cf::1', ''],
  public_key       => $facts['wireguard_pubkeys']['nodeB'],
  endpoint         => '',
  addresses        => [ 'Address' => '', , 'Address' => 'fe80::beef:1/64' ,],
This configuration come from this pull request I sent to the module to document how to use that fact. Note that the addresses used here are examples that shouldn't be reused and do not confirm to RFC5737 ("IPv4 Address Blocks Reserved for Documentation", (TEST-NET-1), (TEST-NET-2), and (TEST-NET-3)) or RFC3849 ("IPv6 Address Prefix Reserved for Documentation", 2001:DB8::/32), but that's another story. (To avoid boostrapping problems, the resubmit-facts configuration could be used so that other nodes facts are more immediately available.) One problem with the above approach is that you explicitly need to take care of routing, network topology, and addressing. This can get complicated quickly, especially if you have lots of devices, behind NAT, in multiple locations (which is basically my life at home, unfortunately). Concretely, basic Wireguard only support one peer behind NAT. There are some workarounds for this, but they generally imply a relay server of some sort, or some custom registry, it's kind of a mess. And this is where overlay networks like Tailscale come in.

Tailscale Tailscale is basically designed to deal with this problem. It's not fully opensource, but pretty close, and they have an interesting philosophy behind that. The client is opensource, and there is an opensource version of the server side, called headscale. They have recently (late 2022) hired the main headscale developer while promising to keep supporting it, which is pretty amazing. Tailscale provides an overlay network based on Wireguard, where each peer basically has a peer-to-peer encrypted connexion, with automatic key rotation. They also ship a multitude of applications and features on top of that like file sharing, keyless SSH access, and so on. The authentication layer is based on an existing SSO provider, you don't just register with Tailscale with new account, you login with Google, Microsoft, or GitHub (which, really, is still Microsoft). The Headscale server ships with many features out of that:
  • Full "base" support of Tailscale's features
  • Configurable DNS
    • Split DNS
    • MagicDNS (each user gets a name)
  • Node registration
    • Single-Sign-On (via Open ID Connect)
    • Pre authenticated key
  • Taildrop (File Sharing)
  • Access control lists
  • Support for multiple IP ranges in the tailnet
  • Dual stack (IPv4 and IPv6)
  • Routing advertising (including exit nodes)
  • Ephemeral nodes
  • Embedded DERP server (AKA NAT-to-NAT traversal)
Neither project (client or server) is in Debian (RFP 972439 for the client, none filed yet for the server), which makes deploying this for my use case rather problematic. Their install instructions are basically a curl bash but they also provide packages for various platforms. Their Debian install instructions are surprisingly good, and check most of the third party checklist we're trying to establish. (It's missing a pin.) There's also a Puppet module for tailscale, naturally. What I find a little disturbing with Tailscale is that you not only need to trust Tailscale with authorizing your devices, you also basically delegate that trust also to the SSO provider. So, in my case, GitHub (or anyone who compromises my account there) can penetrate the VPN. A little scary. Tailscale is also kind of an "all or nothing" thing. They have MagicDNS, file transfers, all sorts of things, but those things require you to hook up your resolver with Tailscale. In fact, Tailscale kind of assumes you will use their nameservers, and have suffered great lengths to figure out how to do that. And naturally, here, it doesn't seem to work reliably; my resolv.conf somehow gets replaced and the magic resolution of the domain fails. (I wonder why we can't opt in to just publicly resolve the domain. I don't care if someone can enumerate the private IP addreses or machines in use in my VPN, at least I don't care as much as fighting with resolv.conf everywhere.) Because I mostly have access to the routers on the networks I'm on, I don't think I'll be using tailscale in the long term. But it's pretty impressive stuff: in the time it took me to even review the Puppet modules to configure Wireguard (which is what I'll probably end up doing), I was up and running with Tailscale (but with a broken DNS, naturally). (And yes, basic Wireguard won't bring me DNS either, but at least I won't have to trust Tailscale's Debian packages, and Tailscale, and Microsoft, and GitHub with this thing.)

IPv6 IPv6 is actually what is supposed to solve this. Not NAT port forwarding crap, just real IPs everywhere. The problem is: even though IPv6 adoption is still growing, it's kind of reaching a plateau at around 40% world-wide, with Canada lagging behind at 34%. It doesn't help that major ISPs in Canada (e.g. Bell Canada, Videotron) don't care at all about IPv6 (e.g. Videotron in beta since 2011). So we can't rely on those companies to do the right thing here. The typical solution here is often to use a tunnel like HE's It's kind of tricky to configure, but once it's done, it works. You get end-to-end connectivity as long as everyone on the network is on IPv6. And that's really where the problem lies here; the second one of your nodes can't setup such a tunnel, you're kind of stuck and that tool completely breaks down. IPv6 tunnels also don't give you the kind of security a VPN provides as well, naturally. The other downside of a tunnel is you don't really get peer-to-peer connectivity: you go through the tunnel. So you can expect higher latencies and possibly lower bandwidth as well. Also, doesn't currently charge for this service (and they've been doing this for a long time), but this could change in the future (just like Tailscale, that said). Concretely, the latency difference is rather minimal, Google:
--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0,00% packet loss, time 136,8ms
RTT[ms]: min = 13, median = 14, p(90) = 14, max = 15
--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0,00% packet loss, time 136,0ms
RTT[ms]: min = 13, median = 13, p(90) = 14, max = 14
In the case of GitHub, latency is actually lower, interestingly:
--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0,00% packet loss, time 134,6ms
RTT[ms]: min = 13, median = 13, p(90) = 14, max = 14
--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0,00% packet loss, time 293,1ms
RTT[ms]: min = 29, median = 29, p(90) = 29, max = 30
That is because peers directly with my ISP and Fastly (which is behind's IPv6, apparently?), so it's only 6 hops away. While over IPv4, the ping goes over New York, before landing AWS's Ashburn, Virginia datacenters, for a whopping 13 hops... I managed setup a tunnel at home, because I also need IPv6 for other reasons (namely debugging at work). My first attempt at setting this up in the office failed, but now that I found the guide, it worked... for a while, and I was able to produce the above, encouraging, mini benchmarks. Unfortunately, a few minutes later, IPv6 just went down again. And the problem with that is that many programs (and especially OpenSSH) do not respect the Happy Eyeballs protocol (RFC 8305), which means various mysterious "hangs" at random times on random applications. It's kind of a terrible user experience, on top of breaking the one thing it's supposed to do, of course, which is to give me transparent access to all the nodes I maintain. Even worse, it would still be a problem for other remote nodes I might setup where I might not have acess to the router to setup the tunnel. It's also not absolutely clear what happens if you setup the same tunnel in two places... Presumably, something is smart enough to distribute only a part of the /48 block selectively, but I don't really feel like going that far, considering how flaky the setup is already.

Other options If this post sounds a little biased towards IPv6 and Wireguard, it's because it is. I would like everyone to migrate to IPv6 already, and Wireguard seems like a simple and sound system. I'm aware of many other options to make VPNs. So before anyone jumps in and says "but what about...", do know that I have personnally experimented with:
  • tinc: nice, automatic meshing, used for the Montreal mesh, serious design flaws in the crypto that make it generally unsafe to use; supposedly, v1.1 (or 2.0?) will fix this, but that's been promised for over a decade by now
  • ipsec, specifically strongswan: hard to configure (especially configure correctly!), harder even to debug, otherwise really nice because transparent (e.g. no need for special subnets), used at work, but also considering a replacement there because it's a major barrier to entry to train new staff
  • OpenVPN: mostly used as a client for [VPN service][]s like Riseup VPN or Mullvad, mostly relevant for client-server configurations, not really peer-to-peer, shared secrets or TLS, kind of an hassle to maintain, see also SoftEther for an alternative implementation
All of those solutions have significant problems and I do not wish to use any of those for this project. Also note that Tailscale is only one of many projects laid over Wireguard to do that kind of thing, see this LWN review for others (basically NetbBird, Firezone, and Netmaker).

Future work Those are options that came up after writing this post, and might warrant further examination in the future.
  • Meshbird, a "distributed private networking" with little information about how it actually works other than "encrypted with strong AES-256"
  • Nebula, "A scalable overlay networking tool with a focus on performance, simplicity and security", written by Slack people to replace IPsec, docs, runs as an overlay for Slack's 50k node network, only packaged in Debian experimental, lagging behind upstream (1.4.0, from May 2021 vs upstream's 1.6.1 from September 2022), requires a central CA, Golang, I'm in "wait and see" mode for now
  • n2n: "layer two VPN", seems packaged in Debian but inactive
  • ouroboros: "peer-to-peer packet network prototype", sounds and seems complicated
  • QuickTUN is interesting because it's just a small wrapper around NaCL, and it's in Debian... but maybe too obscure for my own good
  • unetd: Wireguard-based full mesh networking from OpenWRT, not in Debian
  • vpncloud: "high performance peer-to-peer mesh VPN over UDP supporting strong encryption, NAT traversal and a simple configuration", sounds interesting, not in Debian
  • Yggdrasil: actually a pretty good match for my use case, but I didn't think of it when starting the experiments here; packaged in Debian, with the Golang version planned, Puppet module; major caveat: nodes exposed publicly inside the global mesh unless configured otherwise (firewall suggested), requires port forwards, alpha status

Conclusion Right now, I'm going to deploy Wireguard tunnels with Puppet. It seems like kind of a pain in the back, but it's something I will be able to reuse for work, possibly completely replacing strongswan. I have another Puppet module for IPsec which I was planning to publish, but now I'm thinking I should just abort that and replace everything with Wireguard, assuming we still need VPNs at work in the future. (I have a number of reasons to believe we might not need any in the near future anyways...)

17 October 2022

Jeremy Bicha: Ubuntu bug fix anniversary

I first installed Ubuntu when Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake was released. I was brand new to Linux. This was Ubuntu s first LTS release; the very first release of Ubuntu was only a year and a half before. I was impressed by how usable and useful the system was. It soon became my primary home operating system and I wanted to help make it better. On October 15, 2009, I was helping test the release candidates ISOs for the Ubuntu 9.10 release. Specifically, I tested Edubuntu. Edubuntu has since been discontinued but at the time it was an official Ubuntu flavor preloaded with lots of education apps. One of those education apps was Moodle, an e-learning platform. When testing Moodle, I found that a default installation would make Moodle impossible to use locally. I figured out how to fix this issue. This was really exciting: I finally found an Ubuntu bug I knew how to fix. I filed the bug report. This was very late in the Ubuntu 9.10 release process and Ubuntu was in the Final Freeze state. In Final Freeze, every upload to packages included in the default install need to be individually approved by a member of the Ubuntu Release Team. Also, I didn t have upload rights to Ubuntu. Jordan Mantha (LaserJock), an Edubuntu maintainer, sponsored my bug fix upload. I also forwarded my patch to Debian. While trying to figure out what wasn t working with Moodle, I stumbled across a packaging bug. Edubuntu provided a choice of MySQL or PostgreSQL for the system default database. MySQL was the default, but if PostgreSQL were chosen instead, Moodle wouldn t work. I figured out how to fix this bug too a week later. Jordan sponsored this upload and Steve Langasek from the Release Team approved it so it also was able to be fixed before 9.10 was released. Although the first bug was new to 9.10 because of a behavior change in a low-level dependency, this PostgreSQL bug existed in stable Ubuntu releases. Therefore, I prepared Stable Release Updates for Ubuntu 9.04 and Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. Afterwards Six months later, I was able to attend my first Ubuntu Developer Summit. I was living in Bahrain (in the Middle East) at the time and a trip to Belgium seemed easier to me than if I were living in the United States where I usually live. This was the Ubuntu Developer Summit where planning for Ubuntu 10.10 took place. I like to believe that I helped with the naming since I added Maverick to the wiki page where people contribute suggestions. I did not apply for financial sponsorship to attend and I stayed in a budget hotel on the other side of Brussels. The event venue was on the outskirts of Brussels so there wasn t a direct bus or metro line to get there. I rented a car. I didn t yet have a smartphone and I had a LOT of trouble navigating to and from the site every day. I learned then that it s best to stay close to the conference site since a lot of the event is actually in the unstructured time in the evenings. Fortunately, I managed to arrive in time for Mark Shuttleworth s keynote where the Unity desktop was first announced. This was released in Ubuntu 10.10 in the Ubuntu Netbook Remix and became the default for Ubuntu Desktop in Ubuntu 11.04. Ubuntu s switch to Unity provided me with a huge opportunity. In April 2011, GNOME 3.0 was released. I wanted to try it but it wasn t yet packaged in Ubuntu or Debian. It was suggested that I could help work on packaging the major new version in a PPA. The PPA was convenient because I was able to get permission to upload there easier than being able to upload directly to Ubuntu. My contributions there then enabled me to get upload rights to the Ubuntu Desktop packages later that year. At a later Ubuntu Developer Summit, it was suggested that I start an official Ubuntu flavor for GNOME. So along with Tim Lunn (darkxst), I co-founded Ubuntu GNOME. Years later, Canonical stopped actively developing Unity; instead, Ubuntu GNOME was merged into Ubuntu Desktop. Along the way, I became an Ubuntu Core Developer and a Debian Developer. And in January 2022, I joined Canonical on the Desktop Team. This all still feels amazing to me. It took me a long time to be comfortable calling myself a developer! Conclusion My first Ubuntu bugfix was 13 years ago this week. Because Ubuntu historically uses alphabetical adjective animal release names, 13 years means that we have rolled around to the letter K again! Later today, we begin release candidate ISO testing for Ubuntu 22.10 Kinetic Kudu . I encourage you to help us test the release candidates and report bugs that you find. If you figure out how to fix a bug, we still sponsor bug fixes. If you are an Ubuntu contributor, I highly encourage you to attend an Ubuntu Summit if you can. The first Ubuntu Summit in years will be in 3 weeks in Prague, but the intent is for the Ubuntu Summits to be recurring events again.

1 September 2022

Shirish Agarwal: Culture, Books, Friends

Culture Just before I start, I would like to point out that this post may or would probably be NSFW. Again, what is SFW (Safe at Work) and NSFW that so much depends on culture and perception of culture from wherever we are or wherever we take birth? But still, to be on the safe side I have put it as NSFW. Now there have been a few statements and ideas that gave me a pause. This will be a sort of chaotic blog post as I am in such a phase today. For e.g. while I do not know which culture or which country this comes from, somebody shared that in some cultures one can talk/comment May your poop be easy and with a straight face. I dunno which culture is this but if somebody asked me that I would just die from laughing or maybe poop there itself. While I can understand if it is a constipated person, but a whole culture? Until and unless their DNA is really screwed, I don t think so but then what do I know? I do know that we shit when we have extreme reactions of either joy or fear. And IIRC, this comes from mammal response when they were in dangerous situations and we got the same as humans evolved. I would really be interested to know which culture is that. I did come to know that the Japanese do wish that you may not experience hard work or something to that effect while ironically they themselves are becoming extinct due to hard work and not enough relaxation, toxic workplace is common in Japan according to social scientists and population experts. Another term that I couldn t figure out is The Florida Man Strikes again and this term is usually used when somebody does something stupid or something weird. While it is exclusively used in the American context, I am curious to know how that came about. Why does Florida have such people or is it an exaggeration? I have heard the term e.g. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas . Think it is also called Sin city although why just Vegas is beyond me?

Omicron-8712 Blood pressure machine I felt so stupid. I found another site or e-commerce site called Wellness Forever. They had the blood pressure machine I wanted, an Omron-8172. I bought it online and they delivered the same within half an hour. Amazon took six days and in the end, didn t deliver it at all. I tried taking measurements from it yesterday. I have yet to figure out what it all means but I did get measurements of 109 SYS, 88 DIA and Pulse is 72. As far as the pulse is concerned, guess that is normal, the others just don t know. If only I had known this couple of months ago. I was able to register the product as well as download and use the Omron Connect app. For roughly INR 2.5k you have a sort of health monitoring system. It isn t Star Trek Tricorder in any shape or form but it will have to do while the tricorder gets invented. And while we are on the subject let s not forget Elizabeth Holmes and the scam called Theranos. It really is something to see How Elizabeth Holmes modeled so much of herself on Steve Jobs mimicking how he left college/education halfway. A part of me is sad that Theranos is not real. Joe Scott just a few days ago shared some perspectives on the same just a few days ago. The idea in itself is pretty seductive, to say the least, and that is the reason the scam went on for more than a decade and perhaps would have been longer if some people hadn t gotten the truth out. I do see potentially, something like that coming on as A.I. takes a bigger role in automating testing. Half a decade to a decade from now, who knows if there is an algorithm that is able to do what is needed? If such a product were to come to the marketplace at a decent price, it would revolutionize medicine, especially in countries like India, South Africa, and all sorts of remote places. Especially, with all sorts of off-grid technologies coming and maturing in the marketplace. Before I forget, there is a game called Cell on Android that tells or shares about the evolution of life on earth. It also shares credence to the idea that life has come 6 times on Earth and has been destroyed multiple times by asteroids. It is in the idle sort of game format, so you can see the humble beginnings from the primordial soup to various kinds of cells and bacteria to finally a mammal. This is where I am and a long way to go.

Indian Bureaucracy One of the few things that Britishers gave to India, is the bureaucracy and the bureaucracy tests us in myriad ways. It would be full 2 months on 5th September and I haven t yet got a death certificate. And I need that for a sundry number of things. The same goes for a disability certificate. What is and was interesting is my trip to the local big hospital called Sassoon Hospital. My mum had shared incidents that occurred in the 1950s when she and the family had come to Pune. According to her, when she was alive, while Sassoon was the place to be, it was big and chaotic and you never knew where you are going. That was in 1950, I had the same experience in 2022. The term/adage the more things change, the more they remain the same seems to be held true for Sassoon Hospital. Btw, those of you who think the Devil exists, he is totally a fallacy. There is a popular myth that the devil comes to deal that he/she/they come to deal with you when somebody close to you passes, I was waiting desperately for him when mum passed. Any deal that he/she/they would have offered me I would have gladly taken, but all my wait was all for nothing. While I believe evil exists, that is manifested by humans and nobody else. The whole idea and story of the devil is just to control young children and nothing beyond that

Debconf 2023, friends, JPEGOptim, and EV s Quite a number of friends had gone to Albania this year as India won the right to host Debconf for the year 2023. While I did lurk on the Debconf orga IRC channel, I m not sure how helpful I would be currently. One news that warmed my heart is some people would be coming to India to check the site way before and make sure things go smoothly. Nothing like having more eyes (in this case bodies) to throw at a problem and hopefully it will be sorted. While I have not been working for the last couple of years, one of the things that I had to do and have been doing is moving a lot of stuff online. This is in part due to the Government s own intention of having everything on the cloud. One of the things I probably may have shared it more than enough times is that the storage most of these sites give is like the 1990s. I tried jpegoptim and while it works, it degrades the quality of the image quite a bit. The whole thing seems backward, especially as newer and newer smartphones are capturing more data per picture (megapixel resolution), case in point Samsung Galaxy A04 that is being introduced. But this is not only about newer phones, even my earlier phone, Samsung J-5/500 which I bought in 2016 took images at 5 MB. So it is not a new issue but a continuous issue. And almost all Govt. sites have the upper band fixed at 1 MB. But this is not limited to Govt. sites alone, most sites in India are somewhat frozen in the 1990s. And it isn t as if resources for designing web pages using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Python, or Java aren t available. If worse comes to worst, one can even use amp to make his, her or their point. But this is if they want to do stuff. I would be sharing a few photos with commentary, there are still places where I can put photos apart from social media

Friends Last week, Saturday suddenly all the friends decided to show up. I have no clue one way or the other why but am glad they showed up.
Mahendra, Akshat, Shirish and Sagar Sukhose (Mangesh's friend). Mahendra, Akshat, Shirish and Sagar Sukhose (Mangesh s friend) at Bal Gandharva..
Electric scooter as shared by Akshat seen in Albania Electric scooter as shared by Akshat seen in Albania
Somebody making a  real-life replica of Wall Street on F.C. Road (Commercial, all glass)Somebody making a real-life replica of Wall Street on F.C. Road (Commercial, all glass)
Ganesh Idol near my houseGanesh Idol near my house
Wearing new clothesWearing new clothes
I will have to be a bit rapid about what I am sharing above so here goes nothing

1. The first picture shows Mahendra, Akshat, me, and Sagar Sukhose (Mangesh s friend). The picture was taken by Mangesh Diwate. We talked quite a bit of various things that could be done in Debian. A few of the things that I shared were (bringing more stuff from BSD to Debian, I am sure there s still quite a lot of security software that could be advantageous to have in Debian.) The best person to talk to or guide about this would undoubtedly be Paul Wise or as he is affectionally called Pabs. He is one of the shy ones and yet knows so much about how things work. The one and only time I met him is 2016. The other thing that we talked about is porting Debian to one of the phones. This has been done in the past and done by a Puneitie some 4-5 years back. While I don t recollect the gentleman s name, I remember that the porting was done on a Motorola phone as that was the easiest to do. He had tried some other mobile but that didn t work. Making Debian available on phone is hard work. Just to have an idea, I went to the xda developers forum and found out that while M51 has been added, my specific phone model is not there. A Samsung Galaxy M52G Android (samsung; SM-M526B; lahaina; arm64-v8a) v12 . You look at the chat and you understand how difficult the process might be. One of the other ideas that Akshat pitched was Debian Astro, this is something that is close to the heart of many, including me. I also proposed to have some kind of web app or something where we can find and share about the various astronomy and related projects done by various agencies. While there is a NASA app, nothing comes close to JSR and that site just shares stuff, no speculation. There are so many projects taken or being done by the EU, JAXA, ISRO, and even middle-east countries are trying but other than people who are following some of the developments, we hear almost nothing. Even the Chinese have made some long strides but most people know nothing about the same. And it s sad to know that those developments are not being known, shared, or even speculated about as much as say NASA or SpaceX is. How do we go about it and how do we get people to contribute or ask questions around it would be interesting. 2. The second picture was something that was shared by Akshat. Akshat was sharing how in Albania people are moving on these electric scooters . I dunno if that is the right word for it or what. I had heard from a couple of friends who had gone to Vietnam a few years ago how most people in Vietnam had modified their scooters and they were snaking lines of electric wires charging scooters. I have no clue whether they were closer to Vespa or something like above. In India, the Govt. is in partnership with the oil, gas, and coal mafia just as it was in Australia (the new Govt. in Australia is making changes) the same thing is here. With the humongous profits that the oil sector provides the petro states and others, Corruption is bound to happen. We talk and that s the extent of things. 3. The third picture is from a nearby area called F.C. Road or Fergusson College Road. The area has come up quite sharply (commercially) in the last few years. Apparently, Mr. Kushal is making a real-life replica of Wall Street which would be given to commercial tenants. Right now the real estate market is tight in India, we will know how things pan out in the next few years. 4. Number four is an image of a Ganesh idol near my house. There is a 10-day festival of the elephant god that people used to celebrate every year. For the last couple of years because of the pandemic, people were unable to celebrate the festival as it is meant to celebrate. This time some people are going overboard while others are cautious and rightfully so. 5. Last and not least, one of the things that people do at this celebration is to have new clothes, so I shared a photo of a gentleman who had bought and was wearing new clothes. While most countries around the world are similar, Latin America is very similar to India in many ways, perhaps Gunnar can share. especially about religious activities. The elephant god is known for his penchant for sweets and that can be seen from his rounded stomach, that is also how he is celebrated. He is known to make problems disappear or that is supposed to be his thing. We do have something like 4 billion gods, so each one has to be given some work or quality to justify the same

30 August 2022

John Goerzen: The PC & Internet Revolution in Rural America

Inspired by several others (such as Alex Schroeder s post and Szcze uja s prompt), as well as a desire to get this down for my kids, I figure it s time to write a bit about living through the PC and Internet revolution where I did: outside a tiny town in rural Kansas. And, as I ve been back in that same area for the past 15 years, I reflect some on the challenges that continue to play out. Although the stories from the others were primarily about getting online, I want to start by setting some background. Those of you that didn t grow up in the same era as I did probably never realized that a typical business PC setup might cost $10,000 in today s dollars, for instance. So let me start with the background.

Nothing was easy This story begins in the 1980s. Somewhere around my Kindergarten year of school, around 1985, my parents bought a TRS-80 Color Computer 2 (aka CoCo II). It had 64K of RAM and used a TV for display and sound. This got you the computer. It didn t get you any disk drive or anything, no joysticks (required by a number of games). So whenever the system powered down, or it hung and you had to power cycle it a frequent event you d lose whatever you were doing and would have to re-enter the program, literally by typing it in. The floppy drive for the CoCo II cost more than the computer, and it was quite common for people to buy the computer first and then the floppy drive later when they d saved up the money for that. I particularly want to mention that computers then didn t come with a modem. What would be like buying a laptop or a tablet without wifi today. A modem, which I ll talk about in a bit, was another expensive accessory. To cobble together a system in the 80s that was capable of talking to others with persistent storage (floppy, or hard drive), screen, keyboard, and modem would be quite expensive. Adjusted for inflation, if you re talking a PC-style device (a clone of the IBM PC that ran DOS), this would easily be more expensive than the Macbook Pros of today. Few people back in the 80s had a computer at home. And the portion of those that had even the capability to get online in a meaningful way was even smaller. Eventually my parents bought a PC clone with 640K RAM and dual floppy drives. This was primarily used for my mom s work, but I did my best to take it over whenever possible. It ran DOS and, despite its monochrome screen, was generally a more capable machine than the CoCo II. For instance, it supported lowercase. (I m not even kidding; the CoCo II pretty much didn t.) A while later, they purchased a 32MB hard drive for it what luxury! Just getting a machine to work wasn t easy. Say you d bought a PC, and then bought a hard drive, and a modem. You didn t just plug in the hard drive and it would work. You would have to fight it every step of the way. The BIOS and DOS partition tables of the day used a cylinder/head/sector method of addressing the drive, and various parts of that those addresses had too few bits to work with the big drives of the day above 20MB. So you would have to lie to the BIOS and fdisk in various ways, and sort of work out how to do it for each drive. For each peripheral serial port, sound card (in later years), etc., you d have to set jumpers for DMA and IRQs, hoping not to conflict with anything already in the system. Perhaps you can now start to see why USB and PCI were so welcomed.

Sharing and finding resources Despite the two computers in our home, it wasn t as if software written on one machine just ran on another. A lot of software for PC clones assumed a CGA color display. The monochrome HGC in our PC wasn t particularly compatible. You could find a TSR program to emulate the CGA on the HGC, but it wasn t particularly stable, and there s only so much you can do when a program that assumes color displays on a monitor that can only show black, dark amber, or light amber. So I d periodically get to use other computers most commonly at an office in the evening when it wasn t being used. There were some local computer clubs that my dad took me to periodically. Software was swapped back then; disks copied, shareware exchanged, and so forth. For me, at least, there was no online to download software from, and selling software over the Internet wasn t a thing at all.

Three Different Worlds There were sort of three different worlds of computing experience in the 80s:
  1. Home users. Initially using a wide variety of software from Apple, Commodore, Tandy/RadioShack, etc., but eventually coming to be mostly dominated by IBM PC clones
  2. Small and mid-sized business users. Some of them had larger minicomputers or small mainframes, but most that I had contact with by the early 90s were standardized on DOS-based PCs. More advanced ones had a network running Netware, most commonly. Networking hardware and software was generally too expensive for home users to use in the early days.
  3. Universities and large institutions. These are the places that had the mainframes, the earliest implementations of TCP/IP, the earliest users of UUCP, and so forth.
The difference between the home computing experience and the large institution experience were vast. Not only in terms of dollars the large institution hardware could easily cost anywhere from tens of thousands to millions of dollars but also in terms of sheer resources required (large rooms, enormous power circuits, support staff, etc). Nothing was in common between them; not operating systems, not software, not experience. I was never much aware of the third category until the differences started to collapse in the mid-90s, and even then I only was exposed to it once the collapse was well underway. You might say to me, Well, Google certainly isn t running what I m running at home! And, yes of course, it s different. But fundamentally, most large datacenters are running on x86_64 hardware, with Linux as the operating system, and a TCP/IP network. It s a different scale, obviously, but at a fundamental level, the hardware and operating system stack are pretty similar to what you can readily run at home. Back in the 80s and 90s, this wasn t the case. TCP/IP wasn t even available for DOS or Windows until much later, and when it was, it was a clunky beast that was difficult. One of the things Kevin Driscoll highlights in his book called Modem World see my short post about it is that the history of the Internet we usually receive is focused on case 3: the large institutions. In reality, the Internet was and is literally a network of networks. Gateways to and from Internet existed from all three kinds of users for years, and while TCP/IP ultimately won the battle of the internetworking protocol, the other two streams of users also shaped the Internet as we now know it. Like many, I had no access to the large institution networks, but as I ve been reflecting on my experiences, I ve found a new appreciation for the way that those of us that grew up with primarily home PCs shaped the evolution of today s online world also.

An Era of Scarcity I should take a moment to comment about the cost of software back then. A newspaper article from 1985 comments that WordPerfect, then the most powerful word processing program, sold for $495 (or $219 if you could score a mail order discount). That s $1360/$600 in 2022 money. Other popular software, such as Lotus 1-2-3, was up there as well. If you were to buy a new PC clone in the mid to late 80s, it would often cost $2000 in 1980s dollars. Now add a printer a low-end dot matrix for $300 or a laser for $1500 or even more. A modem: another $300. So the basic system would be $3600, or $9900 in 2022 dollars. If you wanted a nice printer, you re now pushing well over $10,000 in 2022 dollars. You start to see one barrier here, and also why things like shareware and piracy if it was indeed even recognized as such were common in those days. So you can see, from a home computer setup (TRS-80, Commodore C64, Apple ][, etc) to a business-class PC setup was an order of magnitude increase in cost. From there to the high-end minis/mainframes was another order of magnitude (at least!) increase. Eventually there was price pressure on the higher end and things all got better, which is probably why the non-DOS PCs lasted until the early 90s.

Increasing Capabilities My first exposure to computers in school was in the 4th grade, when I would have been about 9. There was a single Apple ][ machine in that room. I primarily remember playing Oregon Trail on it. The next year, the school added a computer lab. Remember, this is a small rural area, so each graduating class might have about 25 people in it; this lab was shared by everyone in the K-8 building. It was full of some flavor of IBM PS/2 machines running DOS and Netware. There was a dedicated computer teacher too, though I think she was a regular teacher that was given somewhat minimal training on computers. We were going to learn typing that year, but I did so well on the very first typing program that we soon worked out that I could do programming instead. I started going to school early these machines were far more powerful than the XT at home and worked on programming projects there. Eventually my parents bought me a Gateway 486SX/25 with a VGA monitor and hard drive. Wow! This was a whole different world. It may have come with Windows 3.0 or 3.1 on it, but I mainly remember running OS/2 on that machine. More on that below.

Programming That CoCo II came with a BASIC interpreter in ROM. It came with a large manual, which served as a BASIC tutorial as well. The BASIC interpreter was also the shell, so literally you could not use the computer without at least a bit of BASIC. Once I had access to a DOS machine, it also had a basic interpreter: GW-BASIC. There was a fair bit of software written in BASIC at the time, but most of the more advanced software wasn t. I wondered how these .EXE and .COM programs were written. I could find vague references to DEBUG.EXE, assemblers, and such. But it wasn t until I got a copy of Turbo Pascal that I was able to do that sort of thing myself. Eventually I got Borland C++ and taught myself C as well. A few years later, I wanted to try writing GUI programs for Windows, and bought Watcom C++ much cheaper than the competition, and it could target Windows, DOS (and I think even OS/2). Notice that, aside from BASIC, none of this was free, and none of it was bundled. You couldn t just download a C compiler, or Python interpreter, or whatnot back then. You had to pay for the ability to write any kind of serious code on the computer you already owned.

The Microsoft Domination Microsoft came to dominate the PC landscape, and then even the computing landscape as a whole. IBM very quickly lost control over the hardware side of PCs as Compaq and others made clones, but Microsoft has managed in varying degrees even to this day to keep a stranglehold on the software, and especially the operating system, side. Yes, there was occasional talk of things like DR-DOS, but by and large the dominant platform came to be the PC, and if you had a PC, you ran DOS (and later Windows) from Microsoft. For awhile, it looked like IBM was going to challenge Microsoft on the operating system front; they had OS/2, and when I switched to it sometime around the version 2.1 era in 1993, it was unquestionably more advanced technically than the consumer-grade Windows from Microsoft at the time. It had Internet support baked in, could run most DOS and Windows programs, and had introduced a replacement for the by-then terrible FAT filesystem: HPFS, in 1988. Microsoft wouldn t introduce a better filesystem for its consumer operating systems until Windows XP in 2001, 13 years later. But more on that story later.

Free Software, Shareware, and Commercial Software I ve covered the high cost of software already. Obviously $500 software wasn t going to sell in the home market. So what did we have? Mainly, these things:
  1. Public domain software. It was free to use, and if implemented in BASIC, probably had source code with it too.
  2. Shareware
  3. Commercial software (some of it from small publishers was a lot cheaper than $500)
Let s talk about shareware. The idea with shareware was that a company would release a useful program, sometimes limited. You were encouraged to register , or pay for, it if you liked it and used it. And, regardless of whether you registered it or not, were told please copy! Sometimes shareware was fully functional, and registering it got you nothing more than printed manuals and an easy conscience (guilt trips for not registering weren t necessarily very subtle). Sometimes unregistered shareware would have a nag screen a delay of a few seconds while they told you to register. Sometimes they d be limited in some way; you d get more features if you registered. With games, it was popular to have a trilogy, and release the first episode inevitably ending with a cliffhanger as shareware, and the subsequent episodes would require registration. In any event, a lot of software people used in the 80s and 90s was shareware. Also pirated commercial software, though in the earlier days of computing, I think some people didn t even know the difference. Notice what s missing: Free Software / FLOSS in the Richard Stallman sense of the word. Stallman lived in the big institution world after all, he worked at MIT and what he was doing with the Free Software Foundation and GNU project beginning in 1983 never really filtered into the DOS/Windows world at the time. I had no awareness of it even existing until into the 90s, when I first started getting some hints of it as a port of gcc became available for OS/2. The Internet was what really brought this home, but I m getting ahead of myself. I want to say again: FLOSS never really entered the DOS and Windows 3.x ecosystems. You d see it make a few inroads here and there in later versions of Windows, and moreso now that Microsoft has been sort of forced to accept it, but still, reflect on its legacy. What is the software market like in Windows compared to Linux, even today? Now it is, finally, time to talk about connectivity!

Getting On-Line What does it even mean to get on line? Certainly not connecting to a wifi access point. The answer is, unsurprisingly, complex. But for everyone except the large institutional users, it begins with a telephone.

The telephone system By the 80s, there was one communication network that already reached into nearly every home in America: the phone system. Virtually every household (note I don t say every person) was uniquely identified by a 10-digit phone number. You could, at least in theory, call up virtually any other phone in the country and be connected in less than a minute. But I ve got to talk about cost. The way things worked in the USA, you paid a monthly fee for a phone line. Included in that monthly fee was unlimited local calling. What is a local call? That was an extremely complex question. Generally it meant, roughly, calling within your city. But of course, as you deal with things like suburbs and cities growing into each other (eg, the Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex), things got complicated fast. But let s just say for simplicity you could call others in your city. What about calling people not in your city? That was long distance , and you paid often hugely by the minute for it. Long distance rates were difficult to figure out, but were generally most expensive during business hours and cheapest at night or on weekends. Prices eventually started to come down when competition was introduced for long distance carriers, but even then you often were stuck with a single carrier for long distance calls outside your city but within your state. Anyhow, let s just leave it at this: local calls were virtually free, and long distance calls were extremely expensive.

Getting a modem I remember getting a modem that ran at either 1200bps or 2400bps. Either way, quite slow; you could often read even plain text faster than the modem could display it. But what was a modem? A modem hooked up to a computer with a serial cable, and to the phone system. By the time I got one, modems could automatically dial and answer. You would send a command like ATDT5551212 and it would dial 555-1212. Modems had speakers, because often things wouldn t work right, and the telephone system was oriented around speech, so you could hear what was happening. You d hear it wait for dial tone, then dial, then hopefully the remote end would ring, a modem there would answer, you d hear the screeching of a handshake, and eventually your terminal would say CONNECT 2400. Now your computer was bridged to the other; anything going out your serial port was encoded as sound by your modem and decoded at the other end, and vice-versa. But what, exactly, was the other end? It might have been another person at their computer. Turn on local echo, and you can see what they did. Maybe you d send files to each other. But in my case, the answer was different: PC Magazine.

PC Magazine and CompuServe Starting around 1986 (so I would have been about 6 years old), I got to read PC Magazine. My dad would bring copies that were being discarded at his office home for me to read, and I think eventually bought me a subscription directly. This was not just a standard magazine; it ran something like 350-400 pages an issue, and came out every other week. This thing was a monster. It had reviews of hardware and software, descriptions of upcoming technologies, pages and pages of ads (that often had some degree of being informative to them). And they had sections on programming. Many issues would talk about BASIC or Pascal programming, and there d be a utility in most issues. What do I mean by a utility in most issues ? Did they include a floppy disk with software? No, of course not. There was a literal program listing printed in the magazine. If you wanted the utility, you had to type it in. And a lot of them were written in assembler, so you had to have an assembler. An assembler, of course, was not free and I didn t have one. Or maybe they wrote it in Microsoft C, and I had Borland C, and (of course) they weren t compatible. Sometimes they would list the program sort of in binary: line after line of a BASIC program, with lines like 64, 193, 253, 0, 53, 0, 87 that you would type in for hours, hopefully correctly. Running the BASIC program would, if you got it correct, emit a .COM file that you could then run. They did have a rudimentary checksum system built in, but it wasn t even a CRC, so something like swapping two numbers you d never notice except when the program would mysteriously hang. Eventually they teamed up with CompuServe to offer a limited slice of CompuServe for the purpose of downloading PC Magazine utilities. This was called PC MagNet. I am foggy on the details, but I believe that for a time you could connect to the limited PC MagNet part of CompuServe for free (after the cost of the long-distance call, that is) rather than paying for CompuServe itself (because, OF COURSE, that also charged you per the minute.) So in the early days, I would get special permission from my parents to place a long distance call, and after some nerve-wracking minutes in which we were aware every minute was racking up charges, I could navigate the menus, download what I wanted, and log off immediately. I still, incidentally, mourn what PC Magazine became. As with computing generally, it followed the mass market. It lost its deep technical chops, cut its programming columns, stopped talking about things like how SCSI worked, and so forth. By the time it stopped printing in 2009, it was no longer a square-bound 400-page beheamoth, but rather looked more like a copy of Newsweek, but with less depth.

Continuing with CompuServe CompuServe was a much larger service than just PC MagNet. Eventually, our family got a subscription. It was still an expensive and scarce resource; I d call it only after hours when the long-distance rates were cheapest. Everyone had a numerical username separated by commas; mine was 71510,1421. CompuServe had forums, and files. Eventually I would use TapCIS to queue up things I wanted to do offline, to minimize phone usage online. CompuServe eventually added a gateway to the Internet. For the sum of somewhere around $1 a message, you could send or receive an email from someone with an Internet email address! I remember the thrill of one time, as a kid of probably 11 years, sending a message to one of the editors of PC Magazine and getting a kind, if brief, reply back! But inevitably I had

The Godzilla Phone Bill Yes, one month I became lax in tracking my time online. I ran up my parents phone bill. I don t remember how high, but I remember it was hundreds of dollars, a hefty sum at the time. As I watched Jason Scott s BBS Documentary, I realized how common an experience this was. I think this was the end of CompuServe for me for awhile.

Toll-Free Numbers I lived near a town with a population of 500. Not even IN town, but near town. The calling area included another town with a population of maybe 1500, so all told, there were maybe 2000 people total I could talk to with a local call though far fewer numbers, because remember, telephones were allocated by the household. There was, as far as I know, zero modems that were a local call (aside from one that belonged to a friend I met in around 1992). So basically everything was long-distance. But there was a special feature of the telephone network: toll-free numbers. Normally when calling long-distance, you, the caller, paid the bill. But with a toll-free number, beginning with 1-800, the recipient paid the bill. These numbers almost inevitably belonged to corporations that wanted to make it easy for people to call. Sales and ordering lines, for instance. Some of these companies started to set up modems on toll-free numbers. There were few of these, but they existed, so of course I had to try them! One of them was a company called PennyWise that sold office supplies. They had a toll-free line you could call with a modem to order stuff. Yes, online ordering before the web! I loved office supplies. And, because I lived far from a big city, if the local K-Mart didn t have it, I probably couldn t get it. Of course, the interface was entirely text, but you could search for products and place orders with the modem. I had loads of fun exploring the system, and actually ordered things from them and probably actually saved money doing so. With the first order they shipped a monster full-color catalog. That thing must have been 500 pages, like the Sears catalogs of the day. Every item had a part number, which streamlined ordering through the modem.

Inbound FAXes By the 90s, a number of modems became able to send and receive FAXes as well. For those that don t know, a FAX machine was essentially a special modem. It would scan a page and digitally transmit it over the phone system, where it would at least in the early days be printed out in real time (because the machines didn t have the memory to store an entire page as an image). Eventually, PC modems integrated FAX capabilities. There still wasn t anything useful I could do locally, but there were ways I could get other companies to FAX something to me. I remember two of them. One was for US Robotics. They had an on demand FAX system. You d call up a toll-free number, which was an automated IVR system. You could navigate through it and select various documents of interest to you: spec sheets and the like. You d key in your FAX number, hang up, and US Robotics would call YOU and FAX you the documents you wanted. Yes! I was talking to a computer (of a sorts) at no cost to me! The New York Times also ran a service for awhile called TimesFax. Every day, they would FAX out a page or two of summaries of the day s top stories. This was pretty cool in an era in which I had no other way to access anything from the New York Times. I managed to sign up for TimesFax I have no idea how, anymore and for awhile I would get a daily FAX of their top stories. When my family got its first laser printer, I could them even print these FAXes complete with the gothic New York Times masthead. Wow! (OK, so technically I could print it on a dot-matrix printer also, but graphics on a 9-pin dot matrix is a kind of pain that is a whole other article.)

My own phone line Remember how I discussed that phone lines were allocated per household? This was a problem for a lot of reasons:
  1. Anybody that tried to call my family while I was using my modem would get a busy signal (unable to complete the call)
  2. If anybody in the house picked up the phone while I was using it, that would degrade the quality of the ongoing call and either mess up or disconnect the call in progress. In many cases, that could cancel a file transfer (which wasn t necessarily easy or possible to resume), prompting howls of annoyance from me.
  3. Generally we all had to work around each other
So eventually I found various small jobs and used the money I made to pay for my own phone line and my own long distance costs. Eventually I upgraded to a 28.8Kbps US Robotics Courier modem even! Yes, you heard it right: I got a job and a bank account so I could have a phone line and a faster modem. Uh, isn t that why every teenager gets a job? Now my local friend and I could call each other freely at least on my end (I can t remember if he had his own phone line too). We could exchange files using HS/Link, which had the added benefit of allowing split-screen chat even while a file transfer is in progress. I m sure we spent hours chatting to each other keyboard-to-keyboard while sharing files with each other.

Technology in Schools By this point in the story, we re in the late 80s and early 90s. I m still using PC-style OSs at home; OS/2 in the later years of this period, DOS or maybe a bit of Windows in the earlier years. I mentioned that they let me work on programming at school starting in 5th grade. It was soon apparent that I knew more about computers than anybody on staff, and I started getting pulled out of class to help teachers or administrators with vexing school problems. This continued until I graduated from high school, incidentally often to my enjoyment, and the annoyance of one particular teacher who, I must say, I was fine with annoying in this way. That s not to say that there was institutional support for what I was doing. It was, after all, a small school. Larger schools might have introduced BASIC or maybe Logo in high school. But I had already taught myself BASIC, Pascal, and C by the time I was somewhere around 12 years old. So I wouldn t have had any use for that anyhow. There were programming contests occasionally held in the area. Schools would send teams. My school didn t really send anybody, but I went as an individual. One of them was run by a local college (but for jr. high or high school students. Years later, I met one of the professors that ran it. He remembered me, and that day, better than I did. The programming contest had problems one could solve in BASIC or Logo. I knew nothing about what to expect going into it, but I had lugged my computer and screen along, and asked him, Can I write my solutions in C? He was, apparently, stunned, but said sure, go for it. I took first place that day, leading to some rather confused teams from much larger schools. The Netware network that the school had was, as these generally were, itself isolated. There was no link to the Internet or anything like it. Several schools across three local counties eventually invested in a fiber-optic network linking them together. This built a larger, but still closed, network. Its primary purpose was to allow students to be exposed to a wider variety of classes at high schools. Participating schools had an ITV room , outfitted with cameras and mics. So students at any school could take classes offered over ITV at other schools. For instance, only my school taught German classes, so people at any of those participating schools could take German. It was an early Zoom room. But alongside the TV signal, there was enough bandwidth to run some Netware frames. By about 1995 or so, this let one of the schools purchase some CD-ROM software that was made available on a file server and could be accessed by any participating school. Nice! But Netware was mainly about file and printer sharing; there wasn t even a facility like email, at least not on our deployment.

BBSs My last hop before the Internet was the BBS. A BBS was a computer program, usually ran by a hobbyist like me, on a computer with a modem connected. Callers would call it up, and they d interact with the BBS. Most BBSs had discussion groups like forums and file areas. Some also had games. I, of course, continued to have that most vexing of problems: they were all long-distance. There were some ways to help with that, chiefly QWK and BlueWave. These, somewhat like TapCIS in the CompuServe days, let me download new message posts for reading offline, and queue up my own messages to send later. QWK and BlueWave didn t help with file downloading, though.

BBSs get networked BBSs were an interesting thing. You d call up one, and inevitably somewhere in the file area would be a BBS list. Download the BBS list and you ve suddenly got a list of phone numbers to try calling. All of them were long distance, of course. You d try calling them at random and have a success rate of maybe 20%. The other 80% would be defunct; you might get the dreaded this number is no longer in service or the even more dreaded angry human answering the phone (and of course a modem can t talk to a human, so they d just get silence for probably the nth time that week). The phone company cared nothing about BBSs and recycled their numbers just as fast as any others. To talk to various people, or participate in certain discussion groups, you d have to call specific BBSs. That s annoying enough in the general case, but even more so for someone paying long distance for it all, because it takes a few minutes to establish a connection to a BBS: handshaking, logging in, menu navigation, etc. But BBSs started talking to each other. The earliest successful such effort was FidoNet, and for the duration of the BBS era, it remained by far the largest. FidoNet was analogous to the UUCP that the institutional users had, but ran on the much cheaper PC hardware. Basically, BBSs that participated in FidoNet would relay email, forum posts, and files between themselves overnight. Eventually, as with UUCP, by hopping through this network, messages could reach around the globe, and forums could have worldwide participation asynchronously, long before they could link to each other directly via the Internet. It was almost entirely volunteer-run.

Running my own BBS At age 13, I eventually chose to set up my own BBS. It ran on my single phone line, so of course when I was dialing up something else, nobody could dial up me. Not that this was a huge problem; in my town of 500, I probably had a good 1 or 2 regular callers in the beginning. In the PC era, there was a big difference between a server and a client. Server-class software was expensive and rare. Maybe in later years you had an email client, but an email server would be completely unavailable to you as a home user. But with a BBS, I could effectively run a server. I even ran serial lines in our house so that the BBS could be connected from other rooms! Since I was running OS/2, the BBS didn t tie up the computer; I could continue using it for other things. FidoNet had an Internet email gateway. This one, unlike CompuServe s, was free. Once I had a BBS on FidoNet, you could reach me from the Internet using the FidoNet address. This didn t support attachments, but then email of the day didn t really, either. Various others outside Kansas ran FidoNet distribution points. I believe one of them was mgmtsys; my memory is quite vague, but I think they offered a direct gateway and I would call them to pick up Internet mail via FidoNet protocols, but I m not at all certain of this.

Pros and Cons of the Non-Microsoft World As mentioned, Microsoft was and is the dominant operating system vendor for PCs. But I left that world in 1993, and here, nearly 30 years later, have never really returned. I got an operating system with more technical capabilities than the DOS and Windows of the day, but the tradeoff was a much smaller software ecosystem. OS/2 could run DOS programs, but it ran OS/2 programs a lot better. So if I were to run a BBS, I wanted one that had a native OS/2 version limiting me to a small fraction of available BBS server software. On the other hand, as a fully 32-bit operating system, there started to be OS/2 ports of certain software with a Unix heritage; most notably for me at the time, gcc. At some point, I eventually came across the RMS essays and started to be hooked.

Internet: The Hunt Begins I certainly was aware that the Internet was out there and interesting. But the first problem was: how the heck do I get connected to the Internet?

Computer labs There was one place that tended to have Internet access: colleges and universities. In 7th grade, I participated in a program that resulted in me being invited to visit Duke University, and in 8th grade, I participated in National History Day, resulting in a trip to visit the University of Maryland. I probably sought out computer labs at both of those. My most distinct memory was finding my way into a computer lab at one of those universities, and it was full of NeXT workstations. I had never seen or used NeXT before, and had no idea how to operate it. I had brought a box of floppy disks, unaware that the DOS disks probably weren t compatible with NeXT. Closer to home, a small college had a computer lab that I could also visit. I would go there in summer or when it wasn t used with my stack of floppies. I remember downloading disk images of FLOSS operating systems: FreeBSD, Slackware, or Debian, at the time. The hash marks from the DOS-based FTP client would creep across the screen as the 1.44MB disk images would slowly download. telnet was also available on those machines, so I could telnet to things like public-access Archie servers and libraries though not Gopher. Still, FTP and telnet access opened up a lot, and I learned quite a bit in those years.

Continuing the Journey At some point, I got a copy of the Whole Internet User s Guide and Catalog, published in 1994. I still have it. If it hadn t already figured it out by then, I certainly became aware from it that Unix was the dominant operating system on the Internet. The examples in Whole Internet covered FTP, telnet, gopher all assuming the user somehow got to a Unix prompt. The web was introduced about 300 pages in; clearly viewed as something that wasn t page 1 material. And it covered the command-line www client before introducing the graphical Mosaic. Even then, though, the book highlighted Mosaic s utility as a front-end for Gopher and FTP, and even the ability to launch telnet sessions by clicking on links. But having a copy of the book didn t equate to having any way to run Mosaic. The machines in the computer lab I mentioned above all ran DOS and were incapable of running a graphical browser. I had no SLIP or PPP (both ways to run Internet traffic over a modem) connectivity at home. In short, the Web was something for the large institutional users at the time.

CD-ROMs As CD-ROMs came out, with their huge (for the day) 650MB capacity, various companies started collecting software that could be downloaded on the Internet and selling it on CD-ROM. The two most popular ones were Walnut Creek CD-ROM and Infomagic. One could buy extensive Shareware and gaming collections, and then even entire Linux and BSD distributions. Although not exactly an Internet service per se, it was a way of bringing what may ordinarily only be accessible to institutional users into the home computer realm.

Free Software Jumps In As I mentioned, by the mid 90s, I had come across RMS s writings about free software most probably his 1992 essay Why Software Should Be Free. (Please note, this is not a commentary on the more recently-revealed issues surrounding RMS, but rather his writings and work as I encountered them in the 90s.) The notion of a Free operating system not just in cost but in openness was incredibly appealing. Not only could I tinker with it to a much greater extent due to having source for everything, but it included so much software that I d otherwise have to pay for. Compilers! Interpreters! Editors! Terminal emulators! And, especially, server software of all sorts. There d be no way I could afford or run Netware, but with a Free Unixy operating system, I could do all that. My interest was obviously piqued. Add to that the fact that I could actually participate and contribute I was about to become hooked on something that I ve stayed hooked on for decades. But then the question was: which Free operating system? Eventually I chose FreeBSD to begin with; that would have been sometime in 1995. I don t recall the exact reasons for that. I remember downloading Slackware install floppies, and probably the fact that Debian wasn t yet at 1.0 scared me off for a time. FreeBSD s fantastic Handbook far better than anything I could find for Linux at the time was no doubt also a factor.

The de Raadt Factor Why not NetBSD or OpenBSD? The short answer is Theo de Raadt. Somewhere in this time, when I was somewhere between 14 and 16 years old, I asked some questions comparing NetBSD to the other two free BSDs. This was on a NetBSD mailing list, but for some reason Theo saw it and got a flame war going, which CC d me. Now keep in mind that even if NetBSD had a web presence at the time, it would have been minimal, and I would have not all that unusually for the time had no way to access it. I was certainly not aware of the, shall we say, acrimony between Theo and NetBSD. While I had certainly seen an online flamewar before, this took on a different and more disturbing tone; months later, Theo randomly emailed me under the subject SLIME saying that I was, well, SLIME . I seem to recall periodic emails from him thereafter reminding me that he hates me and that he had blocked me. (Disclaimer: I have poor email archives from this period, so the full details are lost to me, but I believe I am accurately conveying these events from over 25 years ago) This was a surprise, and an unpleasant one. I was trying to learn, and while it is possible I didn t understand some aspect or other of netiquette (or Theo s personal hatred of NetBSD) at the time, still that is not a reason to flame a 16-year-old (though he would have had no way to know my age). This didn t leave any kind of scar, but did leave a lasting impression; to this day, I am particularly concerned with how FLOSS projects handle poisonous people. Debian, for instance, has come a long way in this over the years, and even Linus Torvalds has turned over a new leaf. I don t know if Theo has. In any case, I didn t use NetBSD then. I did try it periodically in the years since, but never found it compelling enough to justify a large switch from Debian. I never tried OpenBSD for various reasons, but one of them was that I didn t want to join a community that tolerates behavior such as Theo s from its leader.

Moving to FreeBSD Moving from OS/2 to FreeBSD was final. That is, I didn t have enough hard drive space to keep both. I also didn t have the backup capacity to back up OS/2 completely. My BBS, which ran Virtual BBS (and at some point also AdeptXBBS) was deleted and reincarnated in a different form. My BBS was a member of both FidoNet and VirtualNet; the latter was specific to VBBS, and had to be dropped. I believe I may have also had to drop the FidoNet link for a time. This was the biggest change of computing in my life to that point. The earlier experiences hadn t literally destroyed what came before. OS/2 could still run my DOS programs. Its command shell was quite DOS-like. It ran Windows programs. I was going to throw all that away and leap into the unknown. I wish I had saved a copy of my BBS; I would love to see the messages I exchanged back then, or see its menu screens again. I have little memory of what it looked like. But other than that, I have no regrets. Pursuing Free, Unixy operating systems brought me a lot of enjoyment and a good career. That s not to say it was easy. All the problems of not being in the Microsoft ecosystem were magnified under FreeBSD and Linux. In a day before EDID, monitor timings had to be calculated manually and you risked destroying your monitor if you got them wrong. Word processing and spreadsheet software was pretty much not there for FreeBSD or Linux at the time; I was therefore forced to learn LaTeX and actually appreciated that. Software like PageMaker or CorelDraw was certainly nowhere to be found for those free operating systems either. But I got a ton of new capabilities. I mentioned the BBS didn t shut down, and indeed it didn t. I ran what was surely a supremely unique oddity: a free, dialin Unix shell server in the middle of a small town in Kansas. I m sure I provided things such as pine for email and some help text and maybe even printouts for how to use it. The set of callers slowly grew over the time period, in fact. And then I got UUCP.

Enter UUCP Even throughout all this, there was no local Internet provider and things were still long distance. I had Internet Email access via assorted strange routes, but they were all strange. And, I wanted access to Usenet. In 1995, it happened. The local ISP I mentioned offered UUCP access. Though I couldn t afford the dialup shell (or later, SLIP/PPP) that they offered due to long-distance costs, UUCP s very efficient batched processes looked doable. I believe I established that link when I was 15, so in 1995. I worked to register my domain,, as well. At the time, the process was a bit lengthy and involved downloading a text file form, filling it out in a precise way, sending it to InterNIC, and probably mailing them a check. Well I did that, and in September of 1995, became mine. I set up sendmail on my local system, as well as INN to handle the limited Usenet newsfeed I requested from the ISP. I even ran Majordomo to host some mailing lists, including some that were surprisingly high-traffic for a few-times-a-day long-distance modem UUCP link! The modem client programs for FreeBSD were somewhat less advanced than for OS/2, but I believe I wound up using Minicom or Seyon to continue to dial out to BBSs and, I believe, continue to use Learning Link. So all the while I was setting up my local BBS, I continued to have access to the text Internet, consisting of chiefly Gopher for me.

Switching to Debian I switched to Debian sometime in 1995 or 1996, and have been using Debian as my primary OS ever since. I continued to offer shell access, but added the WorldVU Atlantis menuing BBS system. This provided a return of a more BBS-like interface (by default; shell was still an uption) as well as some BBS door games such as LoRD and TradeWars 2002, running under DOS emulation. I also continued to run INN, and ran ifgate to allow FidoNet echomail to be presented into INN Usenet-like newsgroups, and netmail to be gated to Unix email. This worked pretty well. The BBS continued to grow in these days, peaking at about two dozen total user accounts, and maybe a dozen regular users.

Dial-up access availability I believe it was in 1996 that dial up PPP access finally became available in my small town. What a thrill! FINALLY! I could now FTP, use Gopher, telnet, and the web all from home. Of course, it was at modem speeds, but still. (Strangely, I have a memory of accessing the Web using WebExplorer from OS/2. I don t know exactly why; it s possible that by this time, I had upgraded to a 486 DX2/66 and was able to reinstall OS/2 on the old 25MHz 486, or maybe something was wrong with the timeline from my memories from 25 years ago above. Or perhaps I made the occasional long-distance call somewhere before I ditched OS/2.) Gopher sites still existed at this point, and I could access them using Netscape Navigator which likely became my standard Gopher client at that point. I don t recall using UMN text-mode gopher client locally at that time, though it s certainly possible I did.

The city Starting when I was 15, I took computer science classes at Wichita State University. The first one was a class in the summer of 1995 on C++. I remember being worried about being good enough for it I was, after all, just after my HS freshman year and had never taken the prerequisite C class. I loved it and got an A! By 1996, I was taking more classes. In 1996 or 1997 I stayed in Wichita during the day due to having more than one class. So, what would I do then but enjoy the computer lab? The CS dept. had two of them: one that had NCD X terminals connected to a pair of SunOS servers, and another one running Windows. I spent most of the time in the Unix lab with the NCDs; I d use Netscape or pine, write code, enjoy the University s fast Internet connection, and so forth. In 1997 I had graduated high school and that summer I moved to Wichita to attend college. As was so often the case, I shut down the BBS at that time. It would be 5 years until I again dealt with Internet at home in a rural community. By the time I moved to my apartment in Wichita, I had stopped using OS/2 entirely. I have no memory of ever having OS/2 there. Along the way, I had bought a Pentium 166, and then the most expensive piece of computing equipment I have ever owned: a DEC Alpha, which, of course, ran Linux.

ISDN I must have used dialup PPP for a time, but I eventually got a job working for the ISP I had used for UUCP, and then PPP. While there, I got a 128Kbps ISDN line installed in my apartment, and they gave me a discount on the service for it. That was around 3x the speed of a modem, and crucially was always on and gave me a public IP. No longer did I have to use UUCP; now I got to host my own things! By at least 1998, I was running a web server on, and I had an FTP server going as well.

Even Bigger Cities In 1999 I moved to Dallas, and there got my first broadband connection: an ADSL link at, I think, 1.5Mbps! Now that was something! But it had some reliability problems. I eventually put together a server and had it hosted at an acquantaince s place who had SDSL in his apartment. Within a couple of years, I had switched to various kinds of proper hosting for it, but that is a whole other article. In Indianapolis, I got a cable modem for the first time, with even tighter speeds but prohibitions on running servers on it. Yuck.

Challenges Being non-Microsoft continued to have challenges. Until the advent of Firefox, a web browser was one of the biggest. While Netscape supported Linux on i386, it didn t support Linux on Alpha. I hobbled along with various attempts at emulators, old versions of Mosaic, and so forth. And, until StarOffice was open-sourced as Open Office, reading Microsoft file formats was also a challenge, though WordPerfect was briefly available for Linux. Over the years, I have become used to the Linux ecosystem. Perhaps I use Gimp instead of Photoshop and digikam instead of well, whatever somebody would use on Windows. But I get ZFS, and containers, and so much that isn t available there. Yes, I know Apple never went away and is a thing, but for most of the time period I discuss in this article, at least after the rise of DOS, it was niche compared to the PC market.

Back to Kansas In 2002, I moved back to Kansas, to a rural home near a different small town in the county next to where I grew up. Over there, it was back to dialup at home, but I had faster access at work. I didn t much care for this, and thus began a 20+-year effort to get broadband in the country. At first, I got a wireless link, which worked well enough in the winter, but had serious problems in the summer when the trees leafed out. Eventually DSL became available locally highly unreliable, but still, it was something. Then I moved back to the community I grew up in, a few miles from where I grew up. Again I got DSL a bit better. But after some years, being at the end of the run of DSL meant I had poor speeds and reliability problems. I eventually switched to various wireless ISPs, which continues to the present day; while people in cities can get Gbps service, I can get, at best, about 50Mbps. Long-distance fees are gone, but the speed disparity remains.

Concluding Reflections I am glad I grew up where I did; the strong community has a lot of advantages I don t have room to discuss here. In a number of very real senses, having no local services made things a lot more difficult than they otherwise would have been. However, perhaps I could say that I also learned a lot through the need to come up with inventive solutions to those challenges. To this day, I think a lot about computing in remote environments: partially because I live in one, and partially because I enjoy visiting places that are remote enough that they have no Internet, phone, or cell service whatsoever. I have written articles like Tools for Communicating Offline and in Difficult Circumstances based on my own personal experience. I instinctively think about making protocols robust in the face of various kinds of connectivity failures because I experience various kinds of connectivity failures myself.

(Almost) Everything Lives On In 2002, Gopher turned 10 years old. It had probably been about 9 or 10 years since I had first used Gopher, which was the first way I got on live Internet from my house. It was hard to believe. By that point, I had an always-on Internet link at home and at work. I had my Alpha, and probably also at least PCMCIA Ethernet for a laptop (many laptops had modems by the 90s also). Despite its popularity in the early 90s, less than 10 years after it came on the scene and started to unify the Internet, it was mostly forgotten. And it was at that moment that I decided to try to resurrect it. The University of Minnesota finally released it under an Open Source license. I wrote the first new gopher server in years, pygopherd, and introduced gopher to Debian. Gopher lives on; there are now quite a few Gopher clients and servers out there, newly started post-2002. The Gemini protocol can be thought of as something akin to Gopher 2.0, and it too has a small but blossoming ecosystem. Archie, the old FTP search tool, is dead though. Same for WAIS and a number of the other pre-web search tools. But still, even FTP lives on today. And BBSs? Well, they didn t go away either. Jason Scott s fabulous BBS documentary looks back at the history of the BBS, while Back to the BBS from last year talks about the modern BBS scene. FidoNet somehow is still alive and kicking. UUCP still has its place and has inspired a whole string of successors. Some, like NNCP, are clearly direct descendents of UUCP. Filespooler lives in that ecosystem, and you can even see UUCP concepts in projects as far afield as Syncthing and Meshtastic. Usenet still exists, and you can now run Usenet over NNCP just as I ran Usenet over UUCP back in the day (which you can still do as well). Telnet, of course, has been largely supplanted by ssh, but the concept is more popular now than ever, as Linux has made ssh be available on everything from Raspberry Pi to Android. And I still run a Gopher server, looking pretty much like it did in 2002. This post also has a permanent home on my website, where it may be periodically updated.

22 August 2022

Jonathan Wiltshire: Team Roles and Tuckman s Model, for Debian teams

When I first moved from being a technical consultant to a manager of other consultants, I took a 5-day course Managing Technical Teams a bootstrap for managing people within organisations, but with a particular focus on technical people. We do have some particular quirks, after all Two elements of that course keep coming to mind when doing Debian work, and they both relate to how teams fit together and get stuff done. Tuckman s four stages model In the mid-1960s Bruce W. Tuckman developed a four-stage descriptive model of the stages a project team goes through in its lifetime. They are:
Resolved disagreements and personality clashes result in greater intimacy, and a spirit of co-operation emerges.
Teams need to understand these stages because a team can regress to earlier stages when its composition or goals change. A new member, the departure of an existing member, changes in supervisor or leadership style can all lead a team to regress to the storming stage and fail to perform for a time. When you see a team member say this, as I observed in an IRC channel recently, you know the team is performing:
nice teamwork these busy days Seen on IRC in the channel of a performing team
Tuckman s model describes a team s performance overall, but how can team members establish what they can contribute and how can they go doing so confidently and effectively? Belbin s Team Roles
The types of behaviour in which people engage are infinite. But the range of useful behaviours, which make an effective contribution to team performance, is finite. These behaviours are grouped into a set number of related clusters, to which the term Team Role is applied. Belbin, R M. Team Roles at Work. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2010
Dr Meredith Belbin s thesis, based on nearly ten years research during the 1970s and 1980s, is that each team has a number of roles which need to be filled at various times, but they re not innate characteristics of the people filling them. People may have attributes which make them more or less suited to each role, and they can consciously take up a role if they recognise its need in the team at a particular time. Belbin s nine team roles are: (adapted from A well-balanced team, Belbin asserts, isn t comprised of multiples of nine individuals who fit into one of these roles permanently. Rather, it has a number of people who are comfortable to wear some of these hats as the need arises. It s even useful to use the team roles as language: for example, someone playing a shaper might say the way we ve always done this is holding us back , to which a co-ordinator s could respond Steve, Joanna put on your Plant hats and find some new ideas. Talk to Susan and see if she knows someone who s tackled this before. Present the options to Nigel and he ll help evaluate which ones might work for us. Teams in Debian There are all sort of teams in Debian those which are formally brought into operation by the DPL or the constitution; package maintenance teams; public relations teams; non-technical content teams; special interest teams; and a whole heap of others. Teams can be formal and informal, fleeting or long-lived, two people working together or dozens. But they all have in common the Tuckman stages of their development and the Belbin team roles they need to fill to flourish. At some stage in their existence, they will all experience new or departing team members and a period of re-forming, norming and storming perhaps fleetingly, perhaps not. And at some stage they will all need someone to step into a team role, play the part and get the team one step further towards their goals. Footnote Belbin Associates, the company Meredith Belbin established to promote and continue his work, offers a personalised report with guidance about which roles team members show the strongest preferences for, and how to make best use of them in various settings. They re quick to complete and can also take into account observers , i.e. how others see a team member. All my technical staff go through this process blind shortly after they start, so as not to bias their input, and then we discuss the roles and their report in detail as a one-to-one. There are some teams in Debian for which this process and discussion as a group activity could be invaluable. I have no particular affiliation with Belbin Associates other than having used the reports and the language of team roles for a number of years. If there s sufficient interest for a BoF session at the next DebConf, I could probably be persuaded to lead it.
Photo by Josh Calabrese on Unsplash

Antoine Beaupr : Alternative MPD clients to GMPC

GMPC (GNOME Music Player Client) is a audio player based on MPD (Music Player Daemon) that I've been using as my main audio player for years now. Unfortunately, it's marked as "unmaintained" in the official list of MPD clients, along with basically every client available in Debian. In fact, if you look closely, all but one of the 5 unmaintained clients are in Debian (ario, cantata, gmpc, and sonata), which is kind of sad. And none of the active ones are packaged.

GMPC status and features GMPC, in particular, is basically dead. The upstream website domain has been lost and there has been no release in ages. It's built with GTK2 so it's bound to be destroyed in a fire at some point anyways. Still: it's really an awesome client. It has:
  • cover support
  • lyrics and tabs lookups (although those typically fail now)
  • lookups
  • high performance: loading thousands of artists or tracks is almost instant
  • repeat/single/consume/shuffle settings (single is particularly nice)
  • (global) keyboard shortcuts
  • file, artist, genre, tag browser
  • playlist editor
  • plugins
  • multi-profile support
  • avahi support
  • shoutcast support
Regarding performance, the only thing that I could find to slow down gmpc is to make it load all of my 40k+ artists in a playlist. That's slow, but it's probably understandable. It's basically impossible to find a client that satisfies all of those. But here are the clients that I found, alphabetically. I restrict myself to Linux-based clients.

CoverGrid CoverGrid looks real nice, but is sharply focused on browsing covers. It's explicitly "not to be a replacement for your favorite MPD client but an addition to get a better album-experience", so probably not good enough for a daily driver. I asked for a FlatHub package so it could be tested.

mpdevil mpdevil is a nice little client. It supports:
  • repeat, shuffle, single, consume mode
  • playlist support (although it fails to load any of my playlist with a UnicodeDecodeError)
  • nice genre / artist / album cover based browser
  • fails to load "all artists" (or takes too long to (pre-?)load covers?)
  • keyboard shortcuts
  • no file browser
Overall pretty good, but performance issues with large collections, and needs a cleanly tagged collection (which is not my case).

QUIMUP QUIMUP looks like a simple client, C++, Qt, and mouse-based. No Flatpak, not tested.

SkyMPC SkyMPC is similar. Ruby, Qt, documentation in Japanese. No Flatpak, not tested.

Xfmpc Xfmpc is the XFCE client. Minimalist, doesn't seem to have all the features I need. No Flatpak, not tested.

Ymuse Ymuse is another promising client. It has trouble loading all my artists or albums (and that's without album covers), but it eventually does. It does have a Files browser which saves it... It's noticeably slower than gmpc but does the job. Cover support is spotty: it sometimes shows up in notifications but not the player, which is odd. I'm missing a "this track information" thing. It seems to support playlists okay. I'm missing an album cover browser as well. Overall seems like the most promising. Written in Golang. It crashed on a library update. There is an ITP in Debian.

Conclusion For now, I guess that ymuse is the most promising client, even though it's still lacking some features and performance is suffering compared to gmpc. I'll keep updating this page as I find more information about the projects. I do not intend to package anything yet, and will wait a while to see if a clear winner emerges.

14 August 2022

Sergio Durigan Junior: Debuginfod is coming to Ubuntu

These past couple of months I have been working to bring debuginfod to Ubuntu. I thought it would be a good idea to make this post and explain a little bit about what the service is and how I'm planning to deploy it. A quick recap: what's debuginfod? Here's a good summary of what debuginfod is:
debuginfod is a new-ish project whose purpose is to serve
ELF/DWARF/source-code information over HTTP.  It is developed under the
elfutils umbrella.  You can find more information about it here:
In a nutshell, by using a debuginfod service you will not need to
install debuginfo (a.k.a. dbgsym) files anymore; the symbols will be
served to GDB (or any other debuginfo consumer that supports debuginfod)
over the network.  Ultimately, this makes the debugging experience much
smoother (I myself never remember the full URL of our debuginfo
repository when I need it).
If you follow the Debian project, you might know that I run their debuginfod service. In fact, the excerpt above was taken from the announcement I made last year, letting the Debian community know that the service was available. First stage With more and more GNU/Linux distributions offering a debuginfod service to their users, I strongly believe that Ubuntu cannot afford to stay out of this "party" anymore. Fortunately, I have a manager who not only agrees with me but also turned the right knobs in order to make this project one of my priorities for this development cycle. The deployment of this service will be made in stages. The first one, whose results are due to be announced in the upcoming weeks, encompasses indexing and serving all of the available debug symbols from the official Ubuntu repository. In other words, the service will serve everything from main, universe and multiverse, from every supported Ubuntu release out there. This initial (a.k.a. "alpha") stage will also allow us to have an estimate of how much the service is used, so that we can better determine the resources allocated to it. More down the road This is just the beginning. In the following cycles, I will be working on a few interesting projects to expand the scope of the service and make it even more useful for the broader Ubuntu community. To give you an idea, here is what is on my plate: As you can see, there's a lot to do. I am happy to be working on this project, and I hope it will be helpful and useful for the Ubuntu community.

28 June 2022

Dima Kogan: vnlog 1.33 released

This is a minor release to the vnlog toolkit that adds a few convenience options to the vnl-filter tool. The new options are

vnl-filter -l
Prints out the existing columns, and exits. I've been low-level wanting this for years, but never acutely-enough to actually write it. Today I finally did it.

vnl-filter --sub-abs
Defines an absolute-value abs() function in the default awk mode. I've been low-level wanting this for years as well. Previously I'd use --perl just to get abs(), or I'd explicitly define it: = sub 'abs(x) return x>0?x:-x; '=. Typing all that out was becoming tiresome, and now I don't need to anymore.

vnl-filter --begin ... and vnl-filter --end ...
Theses add BEGIN and END clauses. They're useful to, for instance, use a perl module in BEGIN, or to print out some final output in END. Previously you'd add these inside the --eval block, but that was awkward because BEGIN and END would then appear inside the while(<>) loop. And there was no clear was to do it in the normal -p mode (no --eval). Clearly these are all minor, since the toolkit is now mature. It does everything I want it to, that doesn't require lots of work to implement. The big missing features that I want would patch the underlying GNU coreutils instead of vnlog:
  • The sort tool can select different sorting modes, but join works only with alphanumeric sorting. join should have similarly selectable sorting modes. In the vnlog wrappe I can currently do something like vnl-join --vnl-sort n. This would pre-sort the input alphanumerically, and then post-sort it numerically. That is slow for big datasets. If join could handle numerically-sorted data directly, neither the pre- or post-sorts would be needed
  • When joining on a numerical field, join should be able to do some sort of interpolation when given fields that don't match exactly.
Both of these probably wouldn't take a ton of work to implement, and I'll look into it someday.

17 June 2022

Antoine Beaupr : Matrix notes

I have some concerns about Matrix (the protocol, not the movie that came out recently, although I do have concerns about that as well). I've been watching the project for a long time, and it seems more a promising alternative to many protocols like IRC, XMPP, and Signal. This review may sound a bit negative, because it focuses on those concerns. I am the operator of an IRC network and people keep asking me to bridge it with Matrix. I have myself considered just giving up on IRC and converting to Matrix. This space is a living document exploring my research of that problem space. The TL;DR: is that no, I'm not setting up a bridge just yet, and I'm still on IRC. This article was written over the course of the last three months, but I have been watching the Matrix project for years (my logs seem to say 2016 at least). The article is rather long. It will likely take you half an hour to read, so copy this over to your ebook reader, your tablet, or dead trees, and lean back and relax as I show you around the Matrix. Or, alternatively, just jump to a section that interest you, most likely the conclusion.

Introduction to Matrix Matrix is an "open standard for interoperable, decentralised, real-time communication over IP. It can be used to power Instant Messaging, VoIP/WebRTC signalling, Internet of Things communication - or anywhere you need a standard HTTP API for publishing and subscribing to data whilst tracking the conversation history". It's also (when compared with XMPP) "an eventually consistent global JSON database with an HTTP API and pubsub semantics - whilst XMPP can be thought of as a message passing protocol." According to their FAQ, the project started in 2014, has about 20,000 servers, and millions of users. Matrix works over HTTPS but over a special port: 8448.

Security and privacy I have some concerns about the security promises of Matrix. It's advertised as a "secure" with "E2E [end-to-end] encryption", but how does it actually work?

Data retention defaults One of my main concerns with Matrix is data retention, which is a key part of security in a threat model where (for example) an hostile state actor wants to surveil your communications and can seize your devices. On IRC, servers don't actually keep messages all that long: they pass them along to other servers and clients as fast as they can, only keep them in memory, and move on to the next message. There are no concerns about data retention on messages (and their metadata) other than the network layer. (I'm ignoring the issues with user registration, which is a separate, if valid, concern.) Obviously, an hostile server could log everything passing through it, but IRC federations are normally tightly controlled. So, if you trust your IRC operators, you should be fairly safe. Obviously, clients can (and often do, even if OTR is configured!) log all messages, but this is generally not the default. Irssi, for example, does not log by default. IRC bouncers are more likely to log to disk, of course, to be able to do what they do. Compare this to Matrix: when you send a message to a Matrix homeserver, that server first stores it in its internal SQL database. Then it will transmit that message to all clients connected to that server and room, and to all other servers that have clients connected to that room. Those remote servers, in turn, will keep a copy of that message and all its metadata in their own database, by default forever. On encrypted rooms those messages are encrypted, but not their metadata. There is a mechanism to expire entries in Synapse, but it is not enabled by default. So one should generally assume that a message sent on Matrix is never expired.

GDPR in the federation But even if that setting was enabled by default, how do you control it? This is a fundamental problem of the federation: if any user is allowed to join a room (which is the default), those user's servers will log all content and metadata from that room. That includes private, one-on-one conversations, since those are essentially rooms as well. In the context of the GDPR, this is really tricky: who is the responsible party (known as the "data controller") here? It's basically any yahoo who fires up a home server and joins a room. In a federated network, one has to wonder whether GDPR enforcement is even possible at all. But in Matrix in particular, if you want to enforce your right to be forgotten in a given room, you would have to:
  1. enumerate all the users that ever joined the room while you were there
  2. discover all their home servers
  3. start a GDPR procedure against all those servers
I recognize this is a hard problem to solve while still keeping an open ecosystem. But I believe that Matrix should have much stricter defaults towards data retention than right now. Message expiry should be enforced by default, for example. (Note that there are also redaction policies that could be used to implement part of the GDPR automatically, see the privacy policy discussion below on that.) Also keep in mind that, in the brave new peer-to-peer world that Matrix is heading towards, the boundary between server and client is likely to be fuzzier, which would make applying the GDPR even more difficult. Update: this comment links to this post (in german) which apparently studied the question and concluded that Matrix is not GDPR-compliant. In fact, maybe Synapse should be designed so that there's no configurable flag to turn off data retention. A bit like how most system loggers in UNIX (e.g. syslog) come with a log retention system that typically rotate logs after a few weeks or month. Historically, this was designed to keep hard drives from filling up, but it also has the added benefit of limiting the amount of personal information kept on disk in this modern day. (Arguably, syslog doesn't rotate logs on its own, but, say, Debian GNU/Linux, as an installed system, does have log retention policies well defined for installed packages, and those can be discussed. And "no expiry" is definitely a bug. privacy policy When I first looked at Matrix, five years ago, was called and had a rather dubious privacy policy:
We currently use cookies to support our use of Google Analytics on the Website and Service. Google Analytics collects information about how you use the Website and Service. [...] This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our Website and use our Service and also allows us to improve our Website and our Service.
When I asked Matrix people about why they were using Google Analytics, they explained this was for development purposes and they were aiming for velocity at the time, not privacy (paraphrasing here). They also included a "free to snitch" clause:
If we are or believe that we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data, we will do so in order to comply with any legal obligation, the instructions or requests of a governmental authority or regulator, including those outside of the UK.
Those are really broad terms, above and beyond what is typically expected legally. Like the current retention policies, such user tracking and ... "liberal" collaboration practices with the state set a bad precedent for other home servers. Thankfully, since the above policy was published (2017), the GDPR was "implemented" (2018) and it seems like both the privacy policy and the privacy policy have been somewhat improved since. Notable points of the new privacy policies:
  • the "federation" section actually outlines that "Federated homeservers and Matrix clients which respect the Matrix protocol are expected to honour these controls and redaction/erasure requests, but other federated homeservers are outside of the span of control of Element, and we cannot guarantee how this data will be processed"
  • 2.6: users under the age of 16 should not use the service
  • 2.10: Upcloud, Mythic Beast, Amazon, and CloudFlare possibly have access to your data (it's nice to at least mention this in the privacy policy: many providers don't even bother admitting to this kind of delegation)
  • Element 2.2.1: mentions many more third parties (Twilio, Stripe, Quaderno, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, Outplay, PipeDrive, HubSpot, Posthog, Sentry, and Matomo (phew!) used when you are paying for hosting
I'm not super happy with all the trackers they have on the Element platform, but then again you don't have to use that service. Your favorite homeserver (assuming you are not on probably has their own Element deployment, hopefully without all that garbage. Overall, this is all a huge improvement over the previous privacy policy, so hats off to the Matrix people for figuring out a reasonable policy in such a tricky context. I particularly like this bit:
We will forget your copy of your data upon your request. We will also forward your request to be forgotten onto federated homeservers. However - these homeservers are outside our span of control, so we cannot guarantee they will forget your data.
It's great they implemented those mechanisms and, after all, if there's an hostile party in there, nothing can prevent them from using screenshots to just exfiltrate your data away from the client side anyways, even with services typically seen as more secure, like Signal. As an aside, I also appreciate that has a fairly decent code of conduct, based on the TODO CoC which checks all the boxes in the geekfeminism wiki.

Metadata handling Overall, privacy protections in Matrix mostly concern message contents, not metadata. In other words, who's talking with who, when and from where is not well protected. Compared to a tool like Signal, which goes through great lengths to anonymize that data with features like private contact discovery, disappearing messages, sealed senders, and private groups, Matrix is definitely behind. (Note: there is an issue open about message lifetimes in Element since 2020, but it's not at even at the MSC stage yet.) This is a known issue (opened in 2019) in Synapse, but this is not just an implementation issue, it's a flaw in the protocol itself. Home servers keep join/leave of all rooms, which gives clear text information about who is talking to. Synapse logs may also contain privately identifiable information that home server admins might not be aware of in the first place. Those log rotation policies are separate from the server-level retention policy, which may be confusing for a novice sysadmin. Combine this with the federation: even if you trust your home server to do the right thing, the second you join a public room with third-party home servers, those ideas kind of get thrown out because those servers can do whatever they want with that information. Again, a problem that is hard to solve in any federation. To be fair, IRC doesn't have a great story here either: any client knows not only who's talking to who in a room, but also typically their client IP address. Servers can (and often do) obfuscate this, but often that obfuscation is trivial to reverse. Some servers do provide "cloaks" (sometimes automatically), but that's kind of a "slap-on" solution that actually moves the problem elsewhere: now the server knows a little more about the user. Overall, I would worry much more about a Matrix home server seizure than a IRC or Signal server seizure. Signal does get subpoenas, and they can only give out a tiny bit of information about their users: their phone number, and their registration, and last connection date. Matrix carries a lot more information in its database.

Amplification attacks on URL previews I (still!) run an Icecast server and sometimes share links to it on IRC which, obviously, also ends up on (more than one!) Matrix home servers because some people connect to IRC using Matrix. This, in turn, means that Matrix will connect to that URL to generate a link preview. I feel this outlines a security issue, especially because those sockets would be kept open seemingly forever. I tried to warn the Matrix security team but somehow, I don't think this issue was taken very seriously. Here's the disclosure timeline:
  • January 18: contacted Matrix security
  • January 19: response: already reported as a bug
  • January 20: response: can't reproduce
  • January 31: timeout added, considered solved
  • January 31: I respond that I believe the security issue is underestimated, ask for clearance to disclose
  • February 1: response: asking for two weeks delay after the next release (1.53.0) including another patch, presumably in two weeks' time
  • February 22: Matrix 1.53.0 released
  • April 14: I notice the release, ask for clearance again
  • April 14: response: referred to the public disclosure
There are a couple of problems here:
  1. the bug was publicly disclosed in September 2020, and not considered a security issue until I notified them, and even then, I had to insist
  2. no clear disclosure policy timeline was proposed or seems established in the project (there is a security disclosure policy but it doesn't include any predefined timeline)
  3. I wasn't informed of the disclosure
  4. the actual solution is a size limit (10MB, already implemented), a time limit (30 seconds, implemented in PR 11784), and a content type allow list (HTML, "media" or JSON, implemented in PR 11936), and I'm not sure it's adequate
  5. (pure vanity:) I did not make it to their Hall of fame
I'm not sure those solutions are adequate because they all seem to assume a single home server will pull that one URL for a little while then stop. But in a federated network, many (possibly thousands) home servers may be connected in a single room at once. If an attacker drops a link into such a room, all those servers would connect to that link all at once. This is an amplification attack: a small amount of traffic will generate a lot more traffic to a single target. It doesn't matter there are size or time limits: the amplification is what matters here. It should also be noted that clients that generate link previews have more amplification because they are more numerous than servers. And of course, the default Matrix client (Element) does generate link previews as well. That said, this is possibly not a problem specific to Matrix: any federated service that generates link previews may suffer from this. I'm honestly not sure what the solution is here. Maybe moderation? Maybe link previews are just evil? All I know is there was this weird bug in my Icecast server and I tried to ring the bell about it, and it feels it was swept under the rug. Somehow I feel this is bound to blow up again in the future, even with the current mitigation.

Moderation In Matrix like elsewhere, Moderation is a hard problem. There is a detailed moderation guide and much of this problem space is actively worked on in Matrix right now. A fundamental problem with moderating a federated space is that a user banned from a room can rejoin the room from another server. This is why spam is such a problem in Email, and why IRC networks have stopped federating ages ago (see the IRC history for that fascinating story).

The mjolnir bot The mjolnir moderation bot is designed to help with some of those things. It can kick and ban users, redact all of a user's message (as opposed to one by one), all of this across multiple rooms. It can also subscribe to a federated block list published by to block known abusers (users or servers). Bans are pretty flexible and can operate at the user, room, or server level. Matrix people suggest making the bot admin of your channels, because you can't take back admin from a user once given.

The command-line tool There's also a new command line tool designed to do things like:
  • System notify users (all users/users from a list, specific user)
  • delete sessions/devices not seen for X days
  • purge the remote media cache
  • select rooms with various criteria (external/local/empty/created by/encrypted/cleartext)
  • purge history of theses rooms
  • shutdown rooms
This tool and Mjolnir are based on the admin API built into Synapse.

Rate limiting Synapse has pretty good built-in rate-limiting which blocks repeated login, registration, joining, or messaging attempts. It may also end up throttling servers on the federation based on those settings.

Fundamental federation problems Because users joining a room may come from another server, room moderators are at the mercy of the registration and moderation policies of those servers. Matrix is like IRC's +R mode ("only registered users can join") by default, except that anyone can register their own homeserver, which makes this limited. Server admins can block IP addresses and home servers, but those tools are not easily available to room admins. There is an API ( in /devtools) but it is not reliable (thanks Austin Huang for the clarification). Matrix has the concept of guest accounts, but it is not used very much, and virtually no client or homeserver supports it. This contrasts with the way IRC works: by default, anyone can join an IRC network even without authentication. Some channels require registration, but in general you are free to join and look around (until you get blocked, of course). I have seen anecdotal evidence (CW: Twitter, nitter link) that "moderating bridges is hell", and I can imagine why. Moderation is already hard enough on one federation, when you bridge a room with another network, you inherit all the problems from that network but without the entire abuse control tools from the original network's API...

Room admins Matrix, in particular, has the problem that room administrators (which have the power to redact messages, ban users, and promote other users) are bound to their Matrix ID which is, in turn, bound to their home servers. This implies that a home server administrators could (1) impersonate a given user and (2) use that to hijack the room. So in practice, the home server is the trust anchor for rooms, not the user themselves. That said, if server B administrator hijack user joe on server B, they will hijack that room on that specific server. This will not (necessarily) affect users on the other servers, as servers could refuse parts of the updates or ban the compromised account (or server). It does seem like a major flaw that room credentials are bound to Matrix identifiers, as opposed to the E2E encryption credentials. In an encrypted room even with fully verified members, a compromised or hostile home server can still take over the room by impersonating an admin. That admin (or even a newly minted user) can then send events or listen on the conversations. This is even more frustrating when you consider that Matrix events are actually signed and therefore have some authentication attached to them, acting like some sort of Merkle tree (as it contains a link to previous events). That signature, however, is made from the homeserver PKI keys, not the client's E2E keys, which makes E2E feel like it has been "bolted on" later.

Availability While Matrix has a strong advantage over Signal in that it's decentralized (so anyone can run their own homeserver,), I couldn't find an easy way to run a "multi-primary" setup, or even a "redundant" setup (even if with a single primary backend), short of going full-on "replicate PostgreSQL and Redis data", which is not typically for the faint of heart.

How this works in IRC On IRC, it's quite easy to setup redundant nodes. All you need is:
  1. a new machine (with it's own public address with an open port)
  2. a shared secret (or certificate) between that machine and an existing one on the network
  3. a connect block on both servers
That's it: the node will join the network and people can connect to it as usual and share the same user/namespace as the rest of the network. The servers take care of synchronizing state: you do not need to worry about replicating a database server. (Now, experienced IRC people will know there's a catch here: IRC doesn't have authentication built in, and relies on "services" which are basically bots that authenticate users (I'm simplifying, don't nitpick). If that service goes down, the network still works, but then people can't authenticate, and they can start doing nasty things like steal people's identity if they get knocked offline. But still: basic functionality still works: you can talk in rooms and with users that are on the reachable network.)

User identities Matrix is more complicated. Each "home server" has its own identity namespace: a specific user (say is bound to that specific home server. If that server goes down, that user is completely disconnected. They could register a new account elsewhere and reconnect, but then they basically lose all their configuration: contacts, joined channels are all lost. (Also notice how the Matrix IDs don't look like a typical user address like an email in XMPP. They at least did their homework and got the allocation for the scheme.)

Rooms Users talk to each other in "rooms", even in one-to-one communications. (Rooms are also used for other things like "spaces", they're basically used for everything, think "everything is a file" kind of tool.) For rooms, home servers act more like IRC nodes in that they keep a local state of the chat room and synchronize it with other servers. Users can keep talking inside a room if the server that originally hosts the room goes down. Rooms can have a local, server-specific "alias" so that, say, is also visible as on the home server. Both addresses refer to the same room underlying room. (Finding this in the Element settings is not obvious though, because that "alias" are actually called a "local address" there. So to create such an alias (in Element), you need to go in the room settings' "General" section, "Show more" in "Local address", then add the alias name (e.g. foo), and then that room will be available on your homeserver as So a room doesn't belong to a server, it belongs to the federation, and anyone can join the room from any serer (if the room is public, or if invited otherwise). You can create a room on server A and when a user from server B joins, the room will be replicated on server B as well. If server A fails, server B will keep relaying traffic to connected users and servers. A room is therefore not fundamentally addressed with the above alias, instead ,it has a internal Matrix ID, which basically a random string. It has a server name attached to it, but that was made just to avoid collisions. That can get a little confusing. For example, the room is an alias on the server, but the room ID is ! That's because the room was created on, but the preferred branding is now. As an aside, rooms, by default, live forever, even after the last user quits. There's an admin API to delete rooms and a tombstone event to redirect to another one, but neither have a GUI yet. The latter is part of MSC1501 ("Room version upgrades") which allows a room admin to close a room, with a message and a pointer to another room.

Spaces Discovering rooms can be tricky: there is a per-server room directory, but people are trying to deprecate it in favor of "Spaces". Room directories were ripe for abuse: anyone can create a room, so anyone can show up in there. It's possible to restrict who can add aliases, but anyways directories were seen as too limited. In contrast, a "Space" is basically a room that's an index of other rooms (including other spaces), so existing moderation and administration mechanism that work in rooms can (somewhat) work in spaces as well. This enables a room directory that works across federation, regardless on which server they were originally created. New users can be added to a space or room automatically in Synapse. (Existing users can be told about the space with a server notice.) This gives admins a way to pre-populate a list of rooms on a server, which is useful to build clusters of related home servers, providing some sort of redundancy, at the room -- not user -- level.

Home servers So while you can workaround a home server going down at the room level, there's no such thing at the home server level, for user identities. So if you want those identities to be stable in the long term, you need to think about high availability. One limitation is that the domain name (e.g. must never change in the future, as renaming home servers is not supported. The documentation used to say you could "run a hot spare" but that has been removed. Last I heard, it was not possible to run a high-availability setup where multiple, separate locations could replace each other automatically. You can have high performance setups where the load gets distributed among workers, but those are based on a shared database (Redis and PostgreSQL) backend. So my guess is it would be possible to create a "warm" spare server of a matrix home server with regular PostgreSQL replication, but that is not documented in the Synapse manual. This sort of setup would also not be useful to deal with networking issues or denial of service attacks, as you will not be able to spread the load over multiple network locations easily. Redis and PostgreSQL heroes are welcome to provide their multi-primary solution in the comments. In the meantime, I'll just point out this is a solution that's handled somewhat more gracefully in IRC, by having the possibility of delegating the authentication layer.

Delegations If you do not want to run a Matrix server yourself, it's possible to delegate the entire thing to another server. There's a server discovery API which uses the .well-known pattern (or SRV records, but that's "not recommended" and a bit confusing) to delegate that service to another server. Be warned that the server still needs to be explicitly configured for your domain. You can't just put:
  "m.server": ""  
... on and start using as a Matrix ID. That's because Matrix doesn't support "virtual hosting" and you'd still be connecting to rooms and people with your identity, not as you would normally expect. This is also why you cannot rename your home server. The server discovery API is what allows servers to find each other. Clients, on the other hand, use the client-server discovery API: this is what allows a given client to find your home server when you type your Matrix ID on login.

Performance The high availability discussion brushed over the performance of Matrix itself, but let's now dig into that.

Horizontal scalability There were serious scalability issues of the main Matrix server, Synapse, in the past. So the Matrix team has been working hard to improve its design. Since Synapse 1.22 the home server can horizontally scale to multiple workers (see this blog post for details) which can make it easier to scale large servers.

Other implementations There are other promising home servers implementations from a performance standpoint (dendrite, Golang, entered beta in late 2020; conduit, Rust, beta; others), but none of those are feature-complete so there's a trade-off to be made there. Synapse is also adding a lot of feature fast, so it's an open question whether the others will ever catch up. (I have heard that Dendrite might actually surpass Synapse in features within a few years, which would put Synapse in a more "LTS" situation.)

Latency Matrix can feel slow sometimes. For example, joining the "Matrix HQ" room in Element (from takes a few minutes and then fails. That is because the home server has to sync the entire room state when you join the room. There was promising work on this announced in the lengthy 2021 retrospective, and some of that work landed (partial sync) in the 1.53 release already. Other improvements coming include sliding sync, lazy loading over federation, and fast room joins. So that's actually something that could be fixed in the fairly short term. But in general, communication in Matrix doesn't feel as "snappy" as on IRC or even Signal. It's hard to quantify this without instrumenting a full latency test bed (for example the tools I used in the terminal emulators latency tests), but even just typing in a web browser feels slower than typing in a xterm or Emacs for me. Even in conversations, I "feel" people don't immediately respond as fast. In fact, this could be an interesting double-blind experiment to make: have people guess whether they are talking to a person on Matrix, XMPP, or IRC, for example. My theory would be that people could notice that Matrix users are slower, if only because of the TCP round-trip time each message has to take.

Transport Some courageous person actually made some tests of various messaging platforms on a congested network. His evaluation was basically:
  • Briar: uses Tor, so unusable except locally
  • Matrix: "struggled to send and receive messages", joining a room takes forever as it has to sync all history, "took 20-30 seconds for my messages to be sent and another 20 seconds for further responses"
  • XMPP: "worked in real-time, full encryption, with nearly zero lag"
So that was interesting. I suspect IRC would have also fared better, but that's just a feeling. Other improvements to the transport layer include support for websocket and the CoAP proxy work from 2019 (targeting 100bps links), but both seem stalled at the time of writing. The Matrix people have also announced the pinecone p2p overlay network which aims at solving large, internet-scale routing problems. See also this talk at FOSDEM 2022.


Onboarding and workflow The workflow for joining a room, when you use Element web, is not great:
  1. click on a link in a web browser
  2. land on (say)
  3. offers "Element", yeah that's sounds great, let's click "Continue"
  4. land on and then you need to register, aaargh
As you might have guessed by now, there is a specification to solve this, but web browsers need to adopt it as well, so that's far from actually being solved. At least browsers generally know about the matrix: scheme, it's just not exactly clear what they should do with it, especially when the handler is just another web page (e.g. Element web). In general, when compared with tools like Signal or WhatsApp, Matrix doesn't fare so well in terms of user discovery. I probably have some of my normal contacts that have a Matrix account as well, but there's really no way to know. It's kind of creepy when Signal tells you "this person is on Signal!" but it's also pretty cool that it works, and they actually implemented it pretty well. Registration is also less obvious: in Signal, the app confirms your phone number automatically. It's friction-less and quick. In Matrix, you need to learn about home servers, pick one, register (with a password! aargh!), and then setup encryption keys (not default), etc. It's a lot more friction. And look, I understand: giving away your phone number is a huge trade-off. I don't like it either. But it solves a real problem and makes encryption accessible to a ton more people. Matrix does have "identity servers" that can serve that purpose, but I don't feel confident sharing my phone number there. It doesn't help that the identity servers don't have private contact discovery: giving them your phone number is a more serious security compromise than with Signal. There's a catch-22 here too: because no one feels like giving away their phone numbers, no one does, and everyone assumes that stuff doesn't work anyways. Like it or not, Signal forcing people to divulge their phone number actually gives them critical mass that means actually a lot of my relatives are on Signal and I don't have to install crap like WhatsApp to talk with them.

5 minute clients evaluation Throughout all my tests I evaluated a handful of Matrix clients, mostly from Flathub because almost none of them are packaged in Debian. Right now I'm using Element, the flagship client from, in a web browser window, with the PopUp Window extension. This makes it look almost like a native app, and opens links in my main browser window (instead of a new tab in that separate window), which is nice. But I'm tired of buying memory to feed my web browser, so this indirection has to stop. Furthermore, I'm often getting completely logged off from Element, which means re-logging in, recovering my security keys, and reconfiguring my settings. That is extremely annoying. Coming from Irssi, Element is really "GUI-y" (pronounced "gooey"). Lots of clickety happening. To mark conversations as read, in particular, I need to click-click-click on all the tabs that have some activity. There's no "jump to latest message" or "mark all as read" functionality as far as I could tell. In Irssi the former is built-in (alt-a) and I made a custom /READ command for the latter:
/ALIAS READ script exec \$_->activity(0) for Irssi::windows
And yes, that's a Perl script in my IRC client. I am not aware of any Matrix client that does stuff like that, except maybe Weechat, if we can call it a Matrix client, or Irssi itself, now that it has a Matrix plugin (!). As for other clients, I have looked through the Matrix Client Matrix (confusing right?) to try to figure out which one to try, and, even after selecting Linux as a filter, the chart is just too wide to figure out anything. So I tried those, kind of randomly:
  • Fractal
  • Mirage
  • Nheko
  • Quaternion
Unfortunately, I lost my notes on those, I don't actually remember which one did what. I still have a session open with Mirage, so I guess that means it's the one I preferred, but I remember they were also all very GUI-y. Maybe I need to look at weechat-matrix or gomuks. At least Weechat is scriptable so I could continue playing the power-user. Right now my strategy with messaging (and that includes microblogging like Twitter or Mastodon) is that everything goes through my IRC client, so Weechat could actually fit well in there. Going with gomuks, on the other hand, would mean running it in parallel with Irssi or ... ditching IRC, which is a leap I'm not quite ready to take just yet. Oh, and basically none of those clients (except Nheko and Element) support VoIP, which is still kind of a second-class citizen in Matrix. It does not support large multimedia rooms, for example: Jitsi was used for FOSDEM instead of the native videoconferencing system.

Bots This falls a little aside the "usability" section, but I didn't know where to put this... There's a few Matrix bots out there, and you are likely going to be able to replace your existing bots with Matrix bots. It's true that IRC has a long and impressive history with lots of various bots doing various things, but given how young Matrix is, there's still a good variety:
  • maubot: generic bot with tons of usual plugins like sed, dice, karma, xkcd, echo, rss, reminder, translate, react, exec, gitlab/github webhook receivers, weather, etc
  • opsdroid: framework to implement "chat ops" in Matrix, connects with Matrix, GitHub, GitLab, Shell commands, Slack, etc
  • matrix-nio: another framework, used to build lots more bots like:
    • hemppa: generic bot with various functionality like weather, RSS feeds, calendars, cron jobs, OpenStreetmaps lookups, URL title snarfing, wolfram alpha, astronomy pic of the day, Mastodon bridge, room bridging, oh dear
    • devops: ping, curl, etc
    • podbot: play podcast episodes from AntennaPod
    • cody: Python, Ruby, Javascript REPL
    • eno: generic bot, "personal assistant"
  • mjolnir: moderation bot
  • hookshot: bridge with GitLab/GitHub
  • matrix-monitor-bot: latency monitor
One thing I haven't found an equivalent for is Debian's MeetBot. There's an archive bot but it doesn't have topics or a meeting chair, or HTML logs.

Working on Matrix As a developer, I find Matrix kind of intimidating. The specification is huge. The official specification itself looks somewhat digestable: it's only 6 APIs so that looks, at first, kind of reasonable. But whenever you start asking complicated questions about Matrix, you quickly fall into the Matrix Spec Change specification (which, yes, is a separate specification). And there are literally hundreds of MSCs flying around. It's hard to tell what's been adopted and what hasn't, and even harder to figure out if your specific client has implemented it. (One trendy answer to this problem is to "rewrite it in rust": Matrix are working on implementing a lot of those specifications in a matrix-rust-sdk that's designed to take the implementation details away from users.) Just taking the latest weekly Matrix report, you find that three new MSCs proposed, just last week! There's even a graph that shows the number of MSCs is progressing steadily, at 600+ proposals total, with the majority (300+) "new". I would guess the "merged" ones are at about 150. That's a lot of text which includes stuff like 3D worlds which, frankly, I don't think you should be working on when you have such important security and usability problems. (The internet as a whole, arguably, doesn't fare much better. RFC600 is a really obscure discussion about "INTERFACING AN ILLINOIS PLASMA TERMINAL TO THE ARPANET". Maybe that's how many MSCs will end up as well, left forgotten in the pits of history.) And that's the thing: maybe the Matrix people have a different objective than I have. They want to connect everything to everything, and make Matrix a generic transport for all sorts of applications, including virtual reality, collaborative editors, and so on. I just want secure, simple messaging. Possibly with good file transfers, and video calls. That it works with existing stuff is good, and it should be federated to remove the "Signal point of failure". So I'm a bit worried with the direction all those MSCs are taking, especially when you consider that clients other than Element are still struggling to keep up with basic features like end-to-end encryption or room discovery, never mind voice or spaces...

Conclusion Overall, Matrix is somehow in the space XMPP was a few years ago. It has a ton of features, pretty good clients, and a large community. It seems to have gained some of the momentum that XMPP has lost. It may have the most potential to replace Signal if something bad would happen to it (like, I don't know, getting banned or going nuts with cryptocurrency)... But it's really not there yet, and I don't see Matrix trying to get there either, which is a bit worrisome.

Looking back at history I'm also worried that we are repeating the errors of the past. The history of federated services is really fascinating:. IRC, FTP, HTTP, and SMTP were all created in the early days of the internet, and are all still around (except, arguably, FTP, which was removed from major browsers recently). All of them had to face serious challenges in growing their federation. IRC had numerous conflicts and forks, both at the technical level but also at the political level. The history of IRC is really something that anyone working on a federated system should study in detail, because they are bound to make the same mistakes if they are not familiar with it. The "short" version is:
  • 1988: Finnish researcher publishes first IRC source code
  • 1989: 40 servers worldwide, mostly universities
  • 1990: EFnet ("eris-free network") fork which blocks the "open relay", named Eris - followers of Eris form the A-net, which promptly dissolves itself, with only EFnet remaining
  • 1992: Undernet fork, which offered authentication ("services"), routing improvements and timestamp-based channel synchronisation
  • 1994: DALnet fork, from Undernet, again on a technical disagreement
  • 1995: Freenode founded
  • 1996: IRCnet forks from EFnet, following a flame war of historical proportion, splitting the network between Europe and the Americas
  • 1997: Quakenet founded
  • 1999: (XMPP founded)
  • 2001: 6 million users, OFTC founded
  • 2002: DALnet peaks at 136,000 users
  • 2003: IRC as a whole peaks at 10 million users, EFnet peaks at 141,000 users
  • 2004: (Facebook founded), Undernet peaks at 159,000 users
  • 2005: Quakenet peaks at 242,000 users, IRCnet peaks at 136,000 (Youtube founded)
  • 2006: (Twitter founded)
  • 2009: (WhatsApp, Pinterest founded)
  • 2010: (TextSecure AKA Signal, Instagram founded)
  • 2011: (Snapchat founded)
  • ~2013: Freenode peaks at ~100,000 users
  • 2016: IRCv3 standardisation effort started (TikTok founded)
  • 2021: Freenode self-destructs, Libera chat founded
  • 2022: Libera peaks at 50,000 users, OFTC peaks at 30,000 users
(The numbers were taken from the Wikipedia page and Note that I also include other networks launch in parenthesis for context.) Pretty dramatic, don't you think? Eventually, somehow, IRC became irrelevant for most people: few people are even aware of it now. With less than a million users active, it's smaller than Mastodon, XMPP, or Matrix at this point.1 If I were to venture a guess, I'd say that infighting, lack of a standardization body, and a somewhat annoying protocol meant the network could not grow. It's also possible that the decentralised yet centralised structure of IRC networks limited their reliability and growth. But large social media companies have also taken over the space: observe how IRC numbers peak around the time the wave of large social media companies emerge, especially Facebook (2.9B users!!) and Twitter (400M users).

Where the federated services are in history Right now, Matrix, and Mastodon (and email!) are at the "pre-EFnet" stage: anyone can join the federation. Mastodon has started working on a global block list of fascist servers which is interesting, but it's still an open federation. Right now, Matrix is totally open, but publishes a (federated) block list of hostile servers (, yes, of course it's a room). Interestingly, Email is also in that stage, where there are block lists of spammers, and it's a race between those blockers and spammers. Large email providers, obviously, are getting closer to the EFnet stage: you could consider they only accept email from themselves or between themselves. It's getting increasingly hard to deliver mail to Outlook and Gmail for example, partly because of bias against small providers, but also because they are including more and more machine-learning tools to sort through email and those systems are, fundamentally, unknowable. It's not quite the same as splitting the federation the way EFnet did, but the effect is similar. HTTP has somehow managed to live in a parallel universe, as it's technically still completely federated: anyone can start a web server if they have a public IP address and anyone can connect to it. The catch, of course, is how you find the darn thing. Which is how Google became one of the most powerful corporations on earth, and how they became the gatekeepers of human knowledge online. I have only briefly mentioned XMPP here, and my XMPP fans will undoubtedly comment on that, but I think it's somewhere in the middle of all of this. It was co-opted by Facebook and Google, and both corporations have abandoned it to its fate. I remember fondly the days where I could do instant messaging with my contacts who had a Gmail account. Those days are gone, and I don't talk to anyone over Jabber anymore, unfortunately. And this is a threat that Matrix still has to face. It's also the threat Email is currently facing. On the one hand corporations like Facebook want to completely destroy it and have mostly succeeded: many people just have an email account to register on things and talk to their friends over Instagram or (lately) TikTok (which, I know, is not Facebook, but they started that fire). On the other hand, you have corporations like Microsoft and Google who are still using and providing email services because, frankly, you still do need email for stuff, just like fax is still around but they are more and more isolated in their own silo. At this point, it's only a matter of time they reach critical mass and just decide that the risk of allowing external mail coming in is not worth the cost. They'll simply flip the switch and work on an allow-list principle. Then we'll have closed the loop and email will be dead, just like IRC is "dead" now. I wonder which path Matrix will take. Could it liberate us from these vicious cycles? Update: this generated some discussions on

  1. According to Wikipedia, there are currently about 500 distinct IRC networks operating, on about 1,000 servers, serving over 250,000 users. In contrast, Mastodon seems to be around 5 million users, claimed at FOSDEM 2021 to have about 28 million globally visible accounts, and Signal lays claim to over 40 million souls. XMPP claims to have "millions" of users on the homepage but the FAQ says they don't actually know. On the proprietary silo side of the fence, this page says
    • Facebook: 2.9 billion users
    • WhatsApp: 2B
    • Instagram: 1.4B
    • TikTok: 1B
    • Snapchat: 500M
    • Pinterest: 480M
    • Twitter: 397M
    Notable omission from that list: Youtube, with its mind-boggling 2.6 billion users... Those are not the kind of numbers you just "need to convince a brother or sister" to grow the network...

18 May 2022

Louis-Philippe V ronneau: Clojure Team 2022 Sprint Report

This is the report for the Debian Clojure Team remote sprint that took place on May 13-14th. Looking at my previous blog entries, this was my first Debian sprint since July 2020! Crazy how fast time flies... Many thanks to those who participated, namely: Sadly, Utkarsh Gupta although having planned on participating ended up not being able to and worked on DebConf Bursary paperwork instead. rlb Rob mostly worked on creating a dh-clojure tool to help make packaging Clojure libraries easier. At the moment, most of the packaging is done manually, by invoking build tools by hand. Having a tool to automate many of the steps required to build Clojure packages would go a long way in making them more uniform. His work (although still very much a WIP) can be found here: ehashman Elana: lavamind It was J r me's first time working on Clojure packages, and things went great! During the sprint, he: allentiak Leandro joined us on Saturday, since he couldn't get off work on Friday. He mostly continued working on replacing our in-house scripts for /usr/bin/clojure by upstream's, a task he had already started during GSoC 2021. Sadly, none of us were familiar with Debian's mechanism for alternatives. If you (yes you, dear reader) are familiar with it, I'm sure he would warmly welcome feedback on his development branch. pollo As for me, I: Overall, it was quite a productive sprint! Thanks to Debian for sponsoring our food during the sprint. It was nice to be able to concentrate on fixing things instead of making food :) Here's a bonus picture of the nice sushi platter I ended up getting for dinner on Saturday night: Picture of a sushi platter

10 May 2022

Utkarsh Gupta: FOSS Activites in April 2022

Here s my (thirty-first) monthly but brief update about the activities I ve done in the F/L/OSS world.

This was my 40th month of actively contributing to Debian. I became a DM in late March 2019 and a DD on Christmas 19! \o/ There s a bunch of things I did this month but mostly non-technical, now that DC22 is around the corner. Here are the things I did:

Debian Uploads
  • Helped Andrius w/ FTBFS for php-text-captcha, reported via #977403.
    • I fixed the samed in Ubuntu a couple of months ago and they copied over the patch here.

Other $things:
  • Volunteering for DC22 Content team.
  • Leading the Bursary team w/ Paulo.
  • Answering a bunch of questions of referees and attendees around bursary.
  • Being an AM for Arun Kumar, process #1024.
  • Mentoring for newcomers.
  • Moderation of -project mailing list.

This was my 15th month of actively contributing to Ubuntu. Now that I joined Canonical to work on Ubuntu full-time, there s a bunch of things I do! \o/ I mostly worked on different things, I guess. I was too lazy to maintain a list of things I worked on so there s no concrete list atm. Maybe I ll get back to this section later or will start to list stuff from the fall, as I was doing before. :D

Debian (E)LTS
Debian Long Term Support (LTS) is a project to extend the lifetime of all Debian stable releases to (at least) 5 years. Debian LTS is not handled by the Debian security team, but by a separate group of volunteers and companies interested in making it a success. And Debian Extended LTS (ELTS) is its sister project, extending support to the Jessie release (+2 years after LTS support). This was my thirty-first month as a Debian LTS and twentieth month as a Debian ELTS paid contributor.
I worked for 23.25 hours for LTS and 20.00 hours for ELTS.

LTS CVE Fixes and Announcements:
  • Issued DLA 2976-1, fixing CVE-2022-1271, for gzip.
    For Debian 9 stretch, these problems have been fixed in version 1.6-5+deb9u1.
  • Issued DLA 2977-1, fixing CVE-2022-1271, for xz-utils.
    For Debian 9 stretch, these problems have been fixed in version 5.2.2-1.2+deb9u1.
  • Working on src:tiff and src:mbedtls to fix the issues, still waiting for more issues to be reported, though.
  • Looking at src:mutt CVEs. Haven t had the time to complete but shall roll out next month.

ELTS CVE Fixes and Announcements:
  • Issued ELA 593-1, fixing CVE-2022-1271, for gzip.
    For Debian 8 jessie, these problems have been fixed in version 1.6-4+deb8u1.
  • Issued ELA 594-1, fixing CVE-2022-1271, for xz-utils.
    For Debian 8 jessie, these problems have been fixed in version 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2+deb8u1.
  • Issued ELA 598-1, fixing CVE-2019-16935, CVE-2021-3177, and CVE-2021-4189, for python2.7.
    For Debian 8 jessie, these problems have been fixed in version 2.7.9-2-ds1-1+deb8u9.
  • Working on src:tiff and src:beep to fix the issues, still waiting for more issues to be reported for src:tiff and src:beep is a bit of a PITA, though. :)

Other (E)LTS Work:
  • Triaged gzip, xz-utils, tiff, beep, python2.7, python-django, and libgit2,
  • Signed up to be a Freexian Collaborator! \o/
  • Read through some bits around that.
  • Helped and assisted new contributors joining Freexian.
  • Answered questions (& discussions) on IRC (#debian-lts and #debian-elts).
  • General and other discussions on LTS private and public mailing list.
  • Attended monthly Debian meeting. Held on Jitsi this month.

Debian LTS Survey I ve spent 18 hours on the LTS survey on the following bits:
  • Rolled out the announcement. Started the survey.
  • Answered a bunch of queries, people asked via e-mail.
  • Looked at another bunch of tickets:
  • Sent a reminder and fixed a few things here and there.
  • Gave a status update during the meeting.
  • Extended the duration of the survey.

Until next time.
:wq for today.

13 January 2022

Daniel Lange: Leveling the playing field for non-native speakers

Wordle game screenshort of bash, grep and pipes

Updates 24.01.2022: What I love about the community is the playful creativity that inspires a game like Wordle and that in turn inspires others to create fun tools around it: Robert Reichel has reverse engineered the Wordle application, so in case you want to play tomorrow's word today .. you can. Or have that one guess "Genius" solution experience. JP Fosterson created a Wordle helper that is very much the Python version of my grep-foo above. In case you play regularly and can use a hand. And Tom Lockwood wrote a Wordle solver also in Python. He blogged about it and ... is pondering to rewrite things in Rust:

I ve decided to explore Rust for this, and so far what was taking 1GB of RAM in Python is taking, literally 1MB in Rust!
Welcome to 2022. 01.02.2022: OMG. Wordle has been bought by the New York Times for "for a price in the low seven figures" (Source). Joey Rees-Hill put it well in The Death of Wordle:
Today s Web is dominated by platforms. The average Web user will spend most of their time on large platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Google Drive/Docs, YouTube, Netflix, Spotify, Gmail, and Google Calendar, along with sites operated by large publishers such as The New York Times or The Washington Post. [..]
The Web wasn t always this way. I m not old enough to remember this, but things weren t always so centralized. Web users might run their own small website, and certainly would visit a good variety of smaller sites. With the increasing availability of internet access, the Web has become incredibly commercialized, with a handful of companies concentrating Web activity on their own properties.
Wordle was a small site that gained popularity despite not being part of a corporate platform. It was wonderful to see an independent site gain attention for being simple and fun. Wordle was refreshingly free of attention-manipulating dark patterns and pushy monetization. That s why it s a shame to see it absorbed, to inevitably become just another feature of one large media company s portfolio.
Still kudos to Josh Wardle, a Million Pounds for Wordle. Well done! It was fun while it lasted. Let's see what the next Wordle will be. This one has just been absorbed into the borg collective.

5 January 2022

Reproducible Builds: Reproducible Builds in December 2021

Welcome to the December 2021 report from the Reproducible Builds project! In these reports, we try and summarise what we have been up to over the past month, as well as what else has been occurring in the world of software supply-chain security. As a quick recap of what reproducible builds is trying to address, whilst anyone may inspect the source code of free software for malicious flaws, almost all software is distributed to end users as pre-compiled binaries. The motivation behind the reproducible builds effort is to ensure no flaws have been introduced during this compilation process by promising identical results are always generated from a given source, thus allowing multiple third-parties to come to a consensus on whether a build was compromised. As always, if you would like to contribute to the project, please get in touch with us directly or visit the Contribute page on our website.
Early in December, Julien Voisin blogged about setting up a rebuilderd instance in order to reproduce Tails images. Working on previous work from 2018, Julien has now set up a public-facing instance which is providing build attestations. As Julien dryly notes in his post, Currently, this isn t really super-useful to anyone, except maybe some Tails developers who want to check that the release manager didn t backdoor the released image. Naturally, we would contend sincerely that this is indeed useful.
The secure/anonymous Tor browser now supports reproducible source releases. According to the project s changelog, version of Tor can now build reproducible tarballs via the make dist-reprod command. This issue was tracked via Tor issue #26299.
Fabian Keil posted a question to our mailing list this month asking how they might analyse differences in images produced with the FreeBSD and ElectroBSD s mkimg and makefs commands:
After rebasing ElectroBSD from FreeBSD stable/11 to stable/12
I recently noticed that the "memstick" images are unfortunately
still not 100% reproducible.
Fabian s original post generated a short back-and-forth with Chris Lamb regarding how diffoscope might be able to support the particular format of images generated by this command set.

diffoscope diffoscope is our in-depth and content-aware diff utility. Not only can it locate and diagnose reproducibility issues, it can provide human-readable diffs from many kinds of binary formats. This month, Chris Lamb prepared and uploading versions 195, 196, 197 and 198 to Debian, as well as made the following changes:
  • Support showing Ordering differences only within .dsc field values. [ ]
  • Add support for XMLb files. [ ]
  • Also add, for example, /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu to our local binary search path. [ ]
  • Support OCaml versions 4.11, 4.12 and 4.13. [ ]
  • Drop some unnecessary has_same_content_as logging calls. [ ]
  • Replace token variable with an anonymously-named variable instead to remove extra lines. [ ]
  • Don t use the runtime platform s native endianness when unpacking .pyc files. This fixes test failures on big-endian machines. [ ]
Mattia Rizzolo also made a number of changes to diffoscope this month as well, such as:
  • Also recognize GnuCash files as XML. [ ]
  • Support the pgpdump PGP packet visualiser version 0.34. [ ]
  • Ignore the new Lintian tag binary-with-bad-dynamic-table. [ ]
  • Fix the Enhances field in debian/control. [ ]
Finally, Brent Spillner fixed the version detection for Black uncompromising code formatter [ ], Jelle van der Waa added an external tool reference for Arch Linux [ ] and Roland Clobus added support for reporting when the GNU_BUILD_ID field has been modified [ ]. Thank you for your contributions!

Distribution work In Debian this month, 70 reviews of packages were added, 27 were updated and 41 were removed, adding to our database of knowledge about specific issues. A number of issue types were created as well, including: strip-nondeterminism version 1.13.0-1 was uploaded to Debian unstable by Holger Levsen. It included contributions already covered in previous months as well as new ones from Mattia Rizzolo, particularly that the dh_strip_nondeterminism Debian integration interface uses the new get_non_binnmu_date_epoch() utility when available: this is important to ensure that strip-nondeterminism does not break some kinds of binNMUs.
In the world of openSUSE, however, Bernhard M. Wiedemann posted his monthly reproducible builds status report.
In NixOS, work towards the longer-term goal of making the graphical installation image reproducible is ongoing. For example, Artturin made the gnome-desktop package reproducible.

Upstream patches The Reproducible Builds project attempts to fix as many currently-unreproducible packages as possible. In December, we wrote a large number of such patches, including:

Testing framework The Reproducible Builds project runs a significant testing framework at, to check packages and other artifacts for reproducibility. This month, the following changes were made:
  • Holger Levsen:
    • Run the Debian scheduler less often. [ ]
    • Fix the name of the Debian testing suite name. [ ]
    • Detect builds that are rescheduling due to problems with the diffoscope container. [ ]
    • No longer special-case particular machines having a different /boot partition size. [ ]
    • Automatically fix failed apt-daily and apt-daily-upgrade services [ ], failed e2scrub_all.service & user@ systemd units [ ][ ] as well as generic build failures [ ].
    • Simplify a script to powercycle arm64 architecture nodes hosted at/by [ ]
    • Detect if the service is down. [ ]
    • Various miscellaneous node maintenance. [ ][ ]
  • Roland Clobus (Debian live image generation):
    • If the latest snapshot is not complete yet, try to use the previous snapshot instead. [ ]
    • Minor: whitespace correction + comment correction. [ ]
    • Use unique folders and reports for each Debian version. [ ]
    • Turn off debugging. [ ]
    • Add a better error description for incorrect/missing arguments. [ ]
    • Report non-reproducible issues in Debian sid images. [ ]
Lastly, Mattia Rizzolo updated the automatic logfile parsing rules in a number of ways (eg. to ignore a warning about the Python setuptools deprecation) [ ][ ] and Vagrant Cascadian adjusted the config for the Squid caching proxy on a node. [ ]

If you are interested in contributing to the Reproducible Builds project, please visit our Contribute page on our website. However, you can get in touch with us via:

4 December 2021

Paul Tagliamonte: Receiving BPSK symbols (Part 3/5)

This post is part of a series called "PACKRAT". If this is the first post you've found, it'd be worth reading the intro post first and then looking over all posts in the series.
In the last post, we worked through how to generate a BPSK signal, and hopefully transmit it using one of our SDRs. Let s take that and move on to Receiving BPSK and turning that back into symbols! Demodulating BPSK data is a bit more tricky than transmitting BPSK data, mostly due to tedious facts of life such as space, time, and hardware built with compromises because not doing that makes the problem impossible. Unfortunately, it s now our job to work within our imperfect world to recover perfect data. We need to handle the addition of noise, differences in frequency, clock synchronization and interference in order to recover our information. This makes life a lot harder than when we transmit information, and as a result, a lot more complex.

Coarse Sync Our starting point for this section will be working from a capture of a number of generated PACKRAT packets as heard by a PlutoSDR at (xz compressed interleaved int16, 2,621,440 samples per second) Every SDR has its own oscillator, which eventually controls a number of different components of an SDR, such as the IF (if it s a superheterodyne architecture) and the sampling rate. Drift in oscillators lead to drifts in frequency such that what one SDR may think is 100MHz may be 100.01MHz for another radio. Even if the radios were perfectly in sync, other artifacts such as doppler time dilation due to motion can cause the frequency to appear higher or lower in frequency than it was transmitted. All this is a long way of saying, we need to determine when we see a strong signal that s close-ish to our tuned frequency, and take steps to roughly correct it to our center frequency (in the order of 100s of Hz to kHz) in order to acquire a phase lock on the signal to attempt to decode information contained within. The easiest way of detecting the loudest signal of interest is to use an FFT. Getting into how FFTs work is out of scope of this post, so if this is the first time you re seeing mention of an FFT, it may be a good place to take a quick break to learn a bit about the time domain (which is what the IQ data we ve been working with so far is), frequency domain, and how the FFT and iFFT operations can convert between them. Lastly, because FFTs average power over the window, swapping phases such that the transmitted wave has the same number of in-phase and inverted-phase symbols the power would wind up averaging to zero. This is not helpful, so I took a tip from Dr. Marc Lichtman s PySDR project and used complex squaring to drive our BPSK signal into a single detectable carrier by squaring the IQ data. Because points are on the unit circle and at tau/2 (specifically, tau/(2^1) for BPSK, 2^2 for QPSK) angles, and given that squaring has the effect of doubling the angle, and angles are all mod tau, this will drive our wave comprised of two opposite phases back into a continuous wave effectively removing our BPSK modulation, making it much easier to detect in the frequency domain. Thanks to Tom Bereknyei for helping me with that!
var iq []complex 
var freq []complex 
for i := range iq  
iq[i] = iq[i] * iq[i]
// perform an fft, computing the frequency
 // domain vector in  freq  given the iq data
 // contained in  iq .
 fft(iq, freq)
// get the array index of the max value in the
 // freq array given the magnitude value of the
 // complex numbers.
 var binIdx = max(abs(freq))
Now, most FFT operations will lay the frequency domain data out a bit differently than you may expect (as a human), which is that the 0th element of the FFT is 0Hz, not the most negative number (like in a waterfall). Generally speaking, zero first is the most common frequency domain layout (and generally speaking the most safe assumption if there s no other documentation on fft layout). Negative first is usually used when the FFT is being rendered for human consumption such as a waterfall plot. Given that we now know which FFT bin (which is to say, which index into the FFT array) contains the strongest signal, we ll go ahead and figure out what frequency that bin relates to. In the time domain, each complex number is the next time instant. In the frequency domain, each bin is a discrete frequency or more specifically a frequency range. The bandwidth of the bin is a function of the sampling rate and number of time domain samples used to do the FFT operation. As you increase the amount of time used to preform the FFT, the more precise the FFT measurement of frequency can be, but it will cover the same bandwidth, as defined by the sampling rate.
var sampleRate = 2,621,440
// bandwidth is the range of frequencies
 // contained inside a single FFT bin,
 // measured in Hz.
 var bandwidth = sampleRate/len(freq)
Now that we know we have a zero-first layout and the bin bandwidth, we can compute what our frequency offset is in Hz.
// binIdx is the index into the freq slice
 // containing the frequency domain data.
 var binIdx = 0
// binFreq is the frequency of the bin
 // denoted by binIdx
 var binFreq = 0
if binIdx > len(freq)/2  
// This branch covers the case where the bin
 // is past the middle point - which is to say,
 // if this is a negative frequency.
 binFreq = bandwidth * (binIdx - len(freq))
// This branch covers the case where the bin
 // is in the first half of the frequency array,
 // which is to say - if this frequency is
 // a positive frequency.
 binFreq = bandwidth * binIdx
However, sice we squared the IQ data, we re off in frequency by twice the actual frequency if we are reading 12kHz, the bin is actually 6kHz. We need to adjust for that before continuing with processing.
var binFreq = 0
// [compute the binFreq as above]
// Adjust for the squaring of our IQ data
 binFreq = binFreq / 2
Finally, we need to shift the frequency by the inverse of the binFreq by generating a carrier wave at a specific frequency and rotating every sample by our carrier wave so that a wave at the same frequency will slow down (or stand still!) as it approaches 0Hz relative to the carrier wave.
 var tau = pi * 2
// ts tracks where in time we are (basically: phase)
 var ts float
// inc is the amount we step forward in time (seconds)
 // each sample.
 var inc float = (1 / sampleRate)
// amount to shift frequencies, in Hz,
 // in this case, shift +12 kHz to 0Hz
 var shift = -12,000
for i := range iq  
ts += inc
if ts > tau  
// not actually needed, but keeps ts within
 // 0 to 2*pi (since it is modulus 2*pi anyway)
 ts -= tau
// Here, we're going to create a carrier wave
 // at the provided frequency (in this case,
 // -12kHz)
 cwIq = complex(cos(tau*shift*ts), sin(tau*shift*ts))
iq[i] = iq[i] * cwIq
Now we ve got the strong signal we ve observed (which may or may not be our BPSK modulated signal!) close enough to 0Hz that we ought to be able to Phase Lock the signal in order to begin demodulating the signal.

Filter After we re roughly in the neighborhood of a few kHz, we can now take some steps to cut out any high frequency components (both positive high frequencies and negative high frequencies). The normal way to do this would be to do an FFT, apply the filter in the frequency domain, and then do an iFFT to turn it back into time series data. This will work in loads of cases, but I ve found it to be incredibly tricky to get right when doing PSK. As such, I ve opted to do this the old fashioned way in the time domain. I ve again opted to go simple rather than correct, and haven t used nearly any of the advanced level trickery I ve come across for fear of using it wrong. As a result, our process here is going to be generating a sinc filter by computing a number of taps, and applying that in the time domain directly on the IQ stream.
// Generate sinc taps

func sinc(x float) float  
if x == 0  
return 1
var v = pi * x
return sin(v) / v
var dst []float
var length = float(len(dst))
if int(length)%2 == 0  
for j := range dst  
i := float(j)
dst[j] = sinc(2 * cutoff * (i - (length-1)/2))
then we apply it in the time domain
// Apply sinc taps to an IQ stream

var iq []complex
// taps as created in  dst  above
 var taps []float
var delay = make([]complex, len(taps))
for i := range iq  
// let's shift the next sample into
 // the delay buffer
 copy(delay[1:], delay)
delay[0] = iq[i]
var phasor complex
for j := range delay  
// for each sample in the buffer, let's
 // weight them by the tap values, and
 // create a new complex number based on
 // filtering the real and imag values.
 phasor += complex(
taps[j] * real(delay[j]),
taps[j] * imag(delay[j]),
// now that we've run this sample
 // through the filter, we can go ahead
 // and scale it back (since we multiply
 // above) and drop it back into the iq
 // buffer.
 iq[i] = complex(
real(phasor) / len(taps),
imag(phasor) / len(taps),
After running IQ samples through the taps and back out, we ll have a signal that s been filtered to the shape of our designed Sinc filter which will cut out captured high frequency components (both positive and negative). Astute observers will note that we re using the real (float) valued taps on both the real and imaginary values independently. I m sure there s a way to apply taps using complex numbers, but it was a bit confusing to work through without being positive of the outcome. I may revisit this in the future!

Downsample Now, post-filter, we ve got a lot of extra RF bandwidth being represented in our IQ stream at our high sample rate All the high frequency values are now filtered out, which means we can reduce our sampling rate without losing much information at all. We can either do nothing about it and process at the fairly high sample rate we re capturing at, or we can drop the sample rate down and help reduce the volume of numbers coming our way. There s two big ways of doing this; either you can take every Nth sample (e.g., take every other sample to half the sample rate, or take every 10th to decimate the sample stream to a 10th of what it originally was) which is the easiest to implement (and easy on the CPU too), or to average a number of samples to create a new sample. A nice bonus to averaging samples is that you can trade-off some CPU time for a higher effective number of bits (ENOB) in your IQ stream, which helps reduce noise, among other things. Some hardware does exactly this (called Oversampling ), and like many things, it has some pros and some cons. I ve opted to treat our IQ stream like an oversampled IQ stream and average samples to get a marginal bump in ENOB. Taking a group of 4 samples and averaging them results in a bit of added precision. That means that a stream of IQ data at 8 ENOB can be bumped to 9 ENOB of precision after the process of oversampling and averaging. That resulting stream will be at 1/4 of the sample rate, and this process can be repeated 4 samples can again be taken for a bit of added precision; which is going to be 1/4 of the sample rate (again), or 1/16 of the original sample rate. If we again take a group of 4 samples, we ll wind up with another bit and a sample rate that s 1/64 of the original sample rate.

Phase Lock Our starting point for this section is the same capture as above, but post-coarse sync, filtering downsampling (xz compressed interleaved float32, 163,840 samples per second) The PLL in PACKRAT was one of the parts I spent the most time stuck on. There s no shortage of discussions of how hardware PLLs work, or even a few software PLLs, but very little by way of how to apply them and/or troubleshoot them. After getting frustrated trying to follow the well worn path, I decided to cut my own way through the bush using what I had learned about the concept, and hope that it works well enough to continue on. PLLs, in concept are fairly simple you generate a carrier wave at a frequency, compare the real-world SDR IQ sample to where your carrier wave is in phase, and use the difference between the local wave and the observed wave to adjust the frequency and phase of your carrier wave. Eventually, if all goes well, that delta is driven as small as possible, and your carrier wave can be used as a reference clock to determine if the observed signal changes in frequency or phase. In reality, tuning PLLs is a total pain, and basically no one outlines how to apply them to BPSK signals in a descriptive way. I ve had to steal an approach I ve seen in hardware to implement my software PLL, with any hope it s close enough that this isn t a hazard to learners. The concept is to generate the carrier wave (as above) and store some rolling averages to tune the carrier wave over time. I use two constants, alpha and beta (which appear to be traditional PLL variable names for this function) which control how quickly the frequency and phase is changed according to observed mismatches. Alpha is set fairly high, which means discrepancies between our carrier and observed data are quickly applied to the phase, and a lower constant for Beta, which will take long-term errors and attempt to use that to match frequency. This is all well and good. Getting to this point isn t all that obscure, but the trouble comes when processing a BPSK signal. Phase changes kick the PLL out of alignment and it tends to require some time to get back into phase lock, when we really shouldn t even be loosing it in the first place. My attempt is to generate two predicted samples, one for each phase of our BPSK signal. The delta is compared, and the lower error of the two is used to adjust the PLL, but the carrier wave itself is used to rotate the sample.
 var alpha = 0.1
var beta = (alpha * alpha) / 2
var phase = 0.0
var frequency = 0.0
for i := range iq  
predicted = complex(cos(phase), sin(phase))
sample = iq[i] * conj(predicted)
delta = phase(sample)
predicted2 = complex(cos(phase+pi), sin(phase+pi))
sample2 = iq[i] * conj(predicted2)
delta2 = phase(sample2)
if abs(delta2) < abs(delta)  
// note that we do not update 'sample'.
 delta = delta2
phase += alpha * delta
frequency += beta * delta
// adjust the iq sample to the PLL rotated
 // sample.
 iq[i] = sample
If all goes well, this loop has the effect of driving a BPSK signal s imaginary values to 0, and the real value between +1 and -1.

Average Idle / Carrier Detect Our starting point for this section is the same capture as above, but post-PLL (xz compressed interleaved float32, 163,840 samples per second) When we start out, we have IQ samples that have been mostly driven to an imaginary component of 0 and real value range between +1 and -1 for each symbol period. Our goal now is to determine if we re receiving a signal, and if so, determine if it s +1 or -1. This is a deceptively hard problem given it spans a lot of other similarly entertaining hard problems. I ve opted to not solve the hard problems involved and hope that in practice my very haphazard implementation works well enough. This turns out to be both good (not solving a problem is a great way to not spend time on it) and bad (turns out it does materially impact performance). This segment is the one I plan on revisiting, first. Expect more here at some point! Given that I want to be able to encapsulate three states in the output from this section (our Symbols are no carrier detected ( 0 ), real value 1 ( 1 ) or real value -1 ("-1")), which means spending cycles to determine what the baseline noise is to try and identify when a signal breaks through the noise becomes incredibly important.
var idleThreshold
var thresholdFactor = 10
// sigThreshold is used to determine if the symbol
 // is -1, +1 or 0. It's 1.3 times the idle signal
 // threshold.
 var sigThreshold = (idleThreshold * 0.3) + idleThreshold
// iq contains a single symbol's worth of IQ samples.
 // clock alignment isn't really considered; so we'll
 // get a bad packet if we have a symbol transition
 // in the middle of this buffer. No attempt is made
 // to correct for this yet.
 var iq []complex
// avg is used to average a chunk of samples in the
 // symbol buffer.
 var avg float
var mid = len(iq) / 2
// midNum is used to determine how many symbols to
 // average at the middle of the symbol.
 var midNum = len(iq) / 50
for j := mid; j < mid+midNum; j++  
avg += real(iq[j])
avg /= midNum
var symbol float
case avg > sigThreshold:
symbol = 1
case avg < -sigThreshold:
symbol = -1
symbol = 0
// update the idleThreshold using the thresholdFactor
 // to average the idleThreshold over more samples to
 // get a better idea of average noise.
 idleThreshold = (
(idleThreshold*(thresholdFactor-1) + symbol) \
/ thresholdFactor
// write symbol to output somewhere

Next Steps Now that we have a stream of values that are either +1, -1 or 0, we can frame / unframe the data contained in the stream, and decode Packets contained inside, coming next in Part 4!

30 November 2021

Russell Coker: Links November 2021

The Guardian has an amusing article by Sophie Elmhirst about Libertarians buying a cruise ship to make a seasteading project off the coast of Panama [1]. It turns out that you need permits etc to do this and maintaining a ship is expensive. Also you wouldn t want to mine cryptocurrency in a ship cabin as most cabins are small and don t have enough airconditioning to remain pleasant if you dump 1kW or more into the air. NPR has an interesting article about the reaction of the NRA to the Columbine shootings [2]. Seems that some NRA person isn t a total asshole and is sharing their private information, maybe they are dying and are worried about going to hell. David Brin wrote an insightful blog post about the singleton hypothesis where he covers some of the evidence of autocratic societies failing [3]. I think he makes a convincing point about a single centralised government for human society not being viable. But something like the EU on a world wide scale could work well. Ken Shirriff wrote an interesting blog post about reverse engineering the Yamaha DX7 synthesiser [4]. The New York Times has an interesting article about a Baboon troop that became less aggressive after the alpha males all died at once from tuberculosis [5]. They established a new more peaceful culture that has outlived the beta males who avoided tuberculosis. The Guardian has an interesting article about how sequencing the genomes of the entire population can save healthcare costs while improving the health of the population [6]. This is somthing wealthy countries should offer for free to the world population. At a bit under $1000 per test that s only about $7 trillion to test everyone, and of course the price should drop significantly if there were billions of tests being done. The Strategy Bridge has an interesting article about SciFi books that have useful portrayals of military strategy [7]. The co-author is Major General Mick Ryan of the Australian Army which is noteworthy as Major General is the second highest rank in use by the Australian Army at this time. Vice has an interesting article about the co-evolution of penises and vaginas and how a lot of that evolution is based on avoiding impregnation from rape [8]. Cory Doctorow wrote an insightful Medium article about the way that governments could force interoperability through purchasing power [9]. Cory Doctorow wrote an insightful article for Locus Magazine about imagining life after capitalism and how capitalism might be replaced [10]. We need a Star Trek future! Arstechnica has an informative article about new developmenet in the rowhammer category of security attacks on DRAM [11]. It seems that DDR4 with ECC is the best current mitigation technique and that DDR3 with ECC is harder to attack than non-ECC RAM. So the thing to do is use ECC on all workstations and avoid doing security critical things on laptops because they can t juse ECC RAM.

21 November 2021

Antoine Beaupr : mbsync vs OfflineIMAP

After recovering from my latest email crash (previously, previously), I had to figure out which tool I should be using. I had many options but I figured I would start with a popular one (mbsync). But I also evaluated OfflineIMAP which was resurrected from the Python 2 apocalypse, and because I had used it before, for a long time. Read on for the details.

Benchmark setup All programs were tested against a Dovecot 1:2.3.13+dfsg1-2 server, running Debian bullseye. The client is a Purism 13v4 laptop with a Samsung SSD 970 EVO 1TB NVMe drive. The server is a custom build with a AMD Ryzen 5 2600 CPU, and a RAID-1 array made of two NVMe drives (Intel SSDPEKNW010T8 and WDC WDS100T2B0C). The mail spool I am testing against has almost 400k messages and takes 13GB of disk space:
$ notmuch count --exclude=false
$ du -sh --exclude xapian Maildir
13G Maildir
The baseline we are comparing against is SMD (syncmaildir) which performs the sync in about 7-8 seconds locally (3.5 seconds for each push/pull command) and about 10-12 seconds remotely. Anything close to that or better is good enough. I do not have recent numbers for a SMD full sync baseline, but the setup documentation mentions 20 minutes for a full sync. That was a few years ago, and the spool has obviously grown since then, so that is not a reliable baseline. A baseline for a full sync might be also set with rsync, which copies files at nearly 40MB/s, or 317Mb/s!
anarcat@angela:tmp(main)$ time rsync -a --info=progress2 --exclude xapian Maildir/
 12,647,814,731 100%   37.85MB/s    0:05:18 (xfr#394981, to-chk=0/395815)    
72.38user 106.10system 5:19.59elapsed 55%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 15988maxresident)k
8816inputs+26305112outputs (0major+50953minor)pagefaults 0swaps
That is 5 minutes to transfer the entire spool. Incremental syncs are obviously pretty fast too:
anarcat@angela:tmp(main)$ time rsync -a --info=progress2 --exclude xapian Maildir/
              0   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#0, to-chk=0/395815)    
1.42user 0.81system 0:03.31elapsed 67%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 14100maxresident)k
120inputs+0outputs (3major+12709minor)pagefaults 0swaps
As an extra curiosity, here's the performance with tar, pretty similar with rsync, minus incremental which I cannot be bothered to figure out right now:
anarcat@angela:tmp(main)$ time ssh tar --exclude xapian -cf - Maildir/   pv -s 13G   tar xf - 
56.68user 58.86system 5:17.08elapsed 36%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 8764maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+7266minor)pagefaults 0swaps
12,1GiO 0:05:17 [39,0MiB/s] [===================================================================> ] 92%
Interesting that rsync manages to almost beat a plain tar on file transfer, I'm actually surprised by how well it performs here, considering there are many little files to transfer. (But then again, this maybe is exactly where rsync shines: while tar needs to glue all those little files together, rsync can just directly talk to the other side and tell it to do live changes. Something to look at in another article maybe?) Since both ends are NVMe drives, those should easily saturate a gigabit link. And in fact, a backup of the server mail spool achieves much faster transfer rate on disks:
anarcat@marcos:~$ tar fc - Maildir   pv -s 13G > Maildir.tar
15,0GiO 0:01:57 [ 131MiB/s] [===================================] 115%
That's 131Mibyyte per second, vastly faster than the gigabit link. The client has similar performance:
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ tar fc - Maildir   pv -s 17G > Maildir.tar
16,2GiO 0:02:22 [ 116MiB/s] [==================================] 95%
So those disks should be able to saturate a gigabit link, and they are not the bottleneck on fast links. Which begs the question of what is blocking performance of a similar transfer over the gigabit link, but that's another question altogether, because no sync program ever reaches the above performance anyways. Finally, note that when I migrated to SMD, I wrote a small performance comparison that could be interesting here. It show SMD to be faster than OfflineIMAP, but not as much as we see here. In fact, it looks like OfflineIMAP slowed down significantly since then (May 2018), but this could be due to my larger mail spool as well.

mbsync The isync (AKA mbsync) project is written in C and supports syncing Maildir and IMAP folders, with possibly multiple replicas. I haven't tested this but I suspect it might be possible to sync between two IMAP servers as well. It supports partial mirorrs, message flags, full folder support, and "trash" functionality.

Complex configuration file I started with this .mbsyncrc configuration file:
SyncState *
Sync New ReNew Flags
IMAPAccount anarcat
User anarcat
PassCmd "pass"
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
IMAPStore anarcat-remote
Account anarcat
MaildirStore anarcat-local
# Maildir/top/sub/sub
#SubFolders Verbatim
# Maildir/.top.sub.sub
SubFolders Maildir++
# Maildir/top/.sub/.sub
# SubFolders legacy
# The trailing "/" is important
#Path ~/Maildir-mbsync/
Inbox ~/Maildir-mbsync/
Channel anarcat
# AKA Far, convert when all clients are 1.4+
Master :anarcat-remote:
# AKA Near
Slave :anarcat-local:
# Exclude everything under the internal [Gmail] folder, except the interesting folders
#Patterns * ![Gmail]* "[Gmail]/Sent Mail" "[Gmail]/Starred" "[Gmail]/All Mail"
# Or include everything
Patterns *
# Automatically create missing mailboxes, both locally and on the server
#Create Both
Create slave
# Sync the movement of messages between folders and deletions, add after making sure the sync works
#Expunge Both
Long gone are the days where I would spend a long time reading a manual page to figure out the meaning of every option. If that's your thing, you might like this one. But I'm more of a "EXAMPLES section" kind of person now, and I somehow couldn't find a sample file on the website. I started from the Arch wiki one but it's actually not great because it's made for Gmail (which is not a usual Dovecot server). So a sample config file in the manpage would be a great addition. Thankfully, the Debian packages ships one in /usr/share/doc/isync/examples/mbsyncrc.sample but I only found that after I wrote my configuration. It was still useful and I recommend people take a look if they want to understand the syntax. Also, that syntax is a little overly complicated. For example, Far needs colons, like:
Far :anarcat-remote:
Why? That seems just too complicated. I also found that sections are not clearly identified: IMAPAccount and Channel mark section beginnings, for example, which is not at all obvious until you learn about mbsync's internals. There are also weird ordering issues: the SyncState option needs to be before IMAPAccount, presumably because it's global. Using a more standard format like .INI or TOML could improve that situation.

Stellar performance A transfer of the entire mail spool takes 56 minutes and 6 seconds, which is impressive. It's not quite "line rate": the resulting mail spool was 12GB (which is a problem, see below), which turns out to be about 29Mbit/s and therefore not maxing the gigabit link, and an order of magnitude slower than rsync. The incremental runs are roughly 2 seconds, which is even more impressive, as that's actually faster than rsync:
===> multitime results
1: mbsync -a
            Mean        Std.Dev.    Min         Median      Max
real        2.015       0.052       1.930       2.029       2.105       
user        0.660       0.040       0.592       0.661       0.722       
sys         0.338       0.033       0.268       0.341       0.387    
Those tests were performed with isync 1.3.0-2.2 on Debian bullseye. Tests with a newer isync release originally failed because of a corrupted message that triggered bug 999804 (see below). Running 1.4.3 under valgrind works around the bug, but adds a 50% performance cost, the full sync running in 1h35m. Once the upstream patch is applied, performance with 1.4.3 is fairly similar, considering that the new sync included the register folder with 4000 messages:
120.74user 213.19system 59:47.69elapsed 9%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 105420maxresident)k
29128inputs+28284376outputs (0major+45711minor)pagefaults 0swaps
That is ~13GB in ~60 minutes, which gives us 28.3Mbps. Incrementals are also pretty similar to 1.3.x, again considering the double-connect cost:
===> multitime results
1: mbsync -a
            Mean        Std.Dev.    Min         Median      Max
real        2.500       0.087       2.340       2.491       2.629       
user        0.718       0.037       0.679       0.711       0.793       
sys         0.322       0.024       0.284       0.320       0.365
Those tests were all done on a Gigabit link, but what happens on a slower link? My server uplink is slow: 25 Mbps down, 6 Mbps up. There mbsync is worse than the SMD baseline:
===> multitime results
1: mbsync -a
Mean        Std.Dev.    Min         Median      Max
real        31.531      0.724       30.764      31.271      33.100      
user        1.858       0.125       1.721       1.818       2.131       
sys         0.610       0.063       0.506       0.600       0.695       
That's 30 seconds for a sync, which is an order of magnitude slower than SMD.

Great user interface Compared to OfflineIMAP and (ahem) SMD, the mbsync UI is kind of neat:
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ mbsync -a
Notice: Master/Slave are deprecated; use Far/Near instead.
C: 1/2  B: 204/205  F: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  N: +1/200 *0/0 #0/0
(Note that nice switch away from slavery-related terms too.) The display is minimal, and yet informative. It's not obvious what does mean at first glance, but the manpage is useful at least for clarifying that:
This represents the cumulative progress over channels, boxes, and messages affected on the far and near side, respectively. The message counts represent added messages, messages with updated flags, and trashed messages, respectively. No attempt is made to calculate the totals in advance, so they grow over time as more information is gathered. (Emphasis mine).
In other words:
  • C 2/2: channels done/total (2 done out of 2)
  • B 204/205: mailboxes done/total (204 out of 205)
  • F: changes on the far side
  • N: +10/200 *0/0 #0/0: changes on the "near" side:
    • +10/200: 10 out of 200 messages downloaded
    • *0/0: no flag changed
    • #0/0: no message deleted
You get used to it, in a good way. It does not, unfortunately, show up when you run it in systemd, which is a bit annoying as I like to see a summary mail traffic in the logs.

Interoperability issue In my notmuch setup, I have bound key S to "mark spam", which basically assigns the tag spam to the message and removes a bunch of others. Then I have a notmuch-purge script which moves that message to the spam folder, for training purposes. It basically does this:
notmuch search --output=files --format=text0 "$search_spam" \
      xargs -r -0 mv -t "$HOME/Maildir/$ PREFIX junk/cur/"
This method, which worked fine in SMD (and also OfflineIMAP) created this error on sync:
Maildir error: duplicate UID 37578.
And indeed, there are now two messages with that UID in the mailbox:
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ find Maildir/.junk/ -name '*U=37578*'
This is actually a known limitation or, as mbsync(1) calls it, a "RECOMMENDATION":
When using the more efficient default UID mapping scheme, it is important that the MUA renames files when moving them between Maildir fold ers. Mutt always does that, while mu4e needs to be configured to do it:
(setq mu4e-change-filenames-when-moving t)
So it seems I would need to fix my script. It's unclear how the paths should be renamed, which is unfortunate, because I would need to change my script to adapt to mbsync, but I can't tell how just from reading the above. (A manual fix is actually to rename the file to remove the U= field: mbsync will generate a new one and then sync correctly.) Fortunately, someone else already fixed that issue: afew, a notmuch tagging script (much puns, such hurt), has a move mode that can rename files correctly, specifically designed to deal with mbsync. I had already been told about afew, but it's one more reason to standardize my notmuch hooks on that project, it looks like. Update: I have tried to use afew and found it has significant performance issues. It also has a completely different paradigm to what I am used to: it assumes all incoming mail has a new and lays its own tags on top of that (inbox, sent, etc). It can only move files from one folder at a time (see this bug) which breaks my spam training workflow. In general, I sync my tags into folders (e.g. ham, spam, sent) and message flags (e.g. inbox is F, unread is "not S", etc), and afew is not well suited for this (although there are hacks that try to fix this). I have worked hard to make my tagging scripts idempotent, and it's something afew doesn't currently have. Still, it would be better to have that code in Python than bash, so maybe I should consider my options here.

Stability issues The newer release in Debian bookworm (currently at 1.4.3) has stability issues on full sync. I filed bug 999804 in Debian about this, which lead to a thread on the upstream mailing list. I have found at least three distinct crashes that could be double-free bugs "which might be exploitable in the worst case", not a reassuring prospect. The thing is: mbsync is really fast, but the downside of that is that it's written in C, and with that comes a whole set of security issues. The Debian security tracker has only three CVEs on isync, but the above issues show there could be many more. Reading the source code certainly did not make me very comfortable with trusting it with untrusted data. I considered sandboxing it with systemd (below) but having systemd run as a --user process makes that difficult. I also considered using an apparmor profile but that is not trivial because we need to allow SSH and only some parts of it... Thankfully, upstream has been diligent at addressing the issues I have found. They provided a patch within a few days which did fix the sync issues. Update: upstream actually took the issue very seriously. They not only got CVE-2021-44143 assigned for my bug report, they also audited the code and found several more issues collectively identified as CVE-2021-3657, which actually also affect 1.3 (ie. Debian 11/bullseye/stable). Somehow my corpus doesn't trigger that issue, but it was still considered serious enough to warrant a CVE. So one the one hand: excellent response from upstream; but on the other hand: how many more of those could there be in there?

Automation with systemd The Arch wiki has instructions on how to setup mbsync as a systemd service. It suggests using the --verbose (-V) flag which is a little intense here, as it outputs 1444 lines of messages. I have used the following .service file:
Description=Mailbox synchronization service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/mbsync -a
And the following .timer:
Description=Mailbox synchronization timer
Note that we trigger notmuch through systemd, with the Before and also by adding mbsync.service to the notmuch-new.service file:
Description=notmuch new
ExecStart=/usr/bin/notmuch new
An improvement over polling repeatedly with a .timer would be to wake up only on IMAP notify, but neither imapnotify nor goimapnotify seem to be packaged in Debian. It would also not cover for the "sent folder" use case, where we need to wake up on local changes.

Password-less setup The sample file suggests this should work:
IMAPStore remote
Tunnel "ssh -q /usr/sbin/imapd"
Add BatchMode, restrict to IdentitiesOnly, provide a password-less key just for this, add compression (-C), find the Dovecot imap binary, and you get this:
IMAPAccount anarcat-tunnel
Tunnel "ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_mbsync -o -C /usr/lib/dovecot/imap"
And it actually seems to work:
$ mbsync -a
Notice: Master/Slave are deprecated; use Far/Near instead.
C: 0/2  B: 0/1  F: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  N: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0imap(anarcat): Error: net_connect_unix(/run/dovecot/stats-writer) failed: Permission denied
C: 2/2  B: 205/205  F: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  N: +1/1 *3/3 #0/0imap(anarcat)<1611280><90uUOuyElmEQlhgAFjQyWQ>: Info: Logged out in=10808 out=15396642 deleted=0 expunged=0 trashed=0 hdr_count=0 hdr_bytes=0 body_count=1 body_bytes=8087
It's a bit noisy, however. dovecot/imap doesn't have a "usage" to speak of, but even the source code doesn't hint at a way to disable that Error message, so that's unfortunate. That socket is owned by root:dovecot so presumably Dovecot runs the imap process as $user:dovecot, which we can't do here. Oh well? Interestingly, the SSH setup is not faster than IMAP. With IMAP:
===> multitime results
1: mbsync -a
            Mean        Std.Dev.    Min         Median      Max
real        2.367       0.065       2.220       2.376       2.458       
user        0.793       0.047       0.731       0.776       0.871       
sys         0.426       0.040       0.364       0.434       0.476
With SSH:
===> multitime results
1: mbsync -a
            Mean        Std.Dev.    Min         Median      Max
real        2.515       0.088       2.274       2.532       2.594       
user        0.753       0.043       0.645       0.766       0.804       
sys         0.328       0.045       0.212       0.340       0.393
Basically: 200ms slower. Tolerable.

Migrating from SMD The above was how I migrated to mbsync on my first workstation. The work on the second one was more streamlined, especially since the corruption on mailboxes was fixed:
  1. install isync, with the patch:
    dpkg -i isync_1.4.3-1.1~_amd64.deb
  2. copy all files over from previous workstation to avoid a full resync (optional):
    rsync -a --info=progress2 angela:Maildir/ Maildir-mbsync/
  3. rename all files to match new hostname (optional):
    find Maildir-mbsync/ -type f -name '*.angela,*' -print0    rename -0 's/\.angela,/\.curie,/'
  4. trash the notmuch database (optional):
    rm -rf Maildir-mbsync/.notmuch/xapian/
  5. disable all smd and notmuch services:
    systemctl --user --now disable smd-pull.service smd-pull.timer smd-push.service smd-push.timer notmuch-new.service notmuch-new.timer
  6. do one last sync with smd:
    smd-pull --show-tags ; smd-push --show-tags ; notmuch new ; notmuch-sync-flagged -v
  7. backup notmuch on the client and server:
    notmuch dump   pv > notmuch.dump
  8. backup the maildir on the client and server:
    cp -al Maildir Maildir-bak
  9. create the SSH key:
    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f .ssh/id_ed25519_mbsync
    cat .ssh/
  10. add to .ssh/authorized_keys on the server, like this: command="/usr/lib/dovecot/imap",restrict ssh-ed25519 AAAAC...
  11. move old files aside, if present:
    mv Maildir Maildir-smd
  12. move new files in place (CRITICAL SECTION BEGINS!):
    mv Maildir-mbsync Maildir
  13. run a test sync, only pulling changes: mbsync --create-near --remove-none --expunge-none --noop anarcat-register
  14. if that works well, try with all mailboxes: mbsync --create-near --remove-none --expunge-none --noop -a
  15. if that works well, try again with a full sync: mbsync register mbsync -a
  16. reindex and restore the notmuch database, this should take ~25 minutes:
    notmuch new
    pv notmuch.dump   notmuch restore
  17. enable the systemd services and retire the smd-* services: systemctl --user enable mbsync.timer notmuch-new.service systemctl --user start mbsync.timer rm ~/.config/systemd/user/smd* systemctl daemon-reload
During the migration, notmuch helpfully told me the full list of those lost messages:
Warning: cannot apply tags to missing message:
Warning: cannot apply tags to missing message:
Warning: cannot apply tags to missing message:
Warning: cannot apply tags to missing message:
Warning: cannot apply tags to missing message:
Warning: cannot apply tags to missing message: notmuch-sha1-000458df6e48d4857187a000d643ac971deeef47
Warning: cannot apply tags to missing message: notmuch-sha1-0079d8e0c3340e6f88c66f4c49fca758ea71d06d
Warning: cannot apply tags to missing message: notmuch-sha1-0194baa4cfb6d39bc9e4d8c049adaccaa777467d
Warning: cannot apply tags to missing message: notmuch-sha1-02aede494fc3f9e9f060cfd7c044d6d724ad287c
Warning: cannot apply tags to missing message: notmuch-sha1-06606c625d3b3445420e737afd9a245ae66e5562
Warning: cannot apply tags to missing message: notmuch-sha1-0747b020f7551415b9bf5059c58e0a637ba53b13
As detailed in the crash report, all of those were actually innocuous and could be ignored. Also note that we completely trash the notmuch database because it's actually faster to reindex from scratch than let notmuch slowly figure out that all mails are new and all the old mails are gone. The fresh indexing took:
nov 19 15:08:54 angela notmuch[2521117]: Processed 384679 total files in 23m 41s (270 files/sec.).
nov 19 15:08:54 angela notmuch[2521117]: Added 372610 new messages to the database.
While a reindexing on top of an existing database was going twice as slow, at about 120 files/sec.

Current config file Putting it all together, I ended up with the following configuration file:
SyncState *
Sync All
# IMAP side, AKA "Far"
IMAPAccount anarcat-imap
User anarcat
PassCmd "pass"
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
IMAPAccount anarcat-tunnel
Tunnel "ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_mbsync -o -C /usr/lib/dovecot/imap"
IMAPStore anarcat-remote
Account anarcat-tunnel
# Maildir side, AKA "Near"
MaildirStore anarcat-local
# Maildir/top/sub/sub
#SubFolders Verbatim
# Maildir/.top.sub.sub
SubFolders Maildir++
# Maildir/top/.sub/.sub
# SubFolders legacy
# The trailing "/" is important
#Path ~/Maildir-mbsync/
Inbox ~/Maildir/
# what binds Maildir and IMAP
Channel anarcat
Far :anarcat-remote:
Near :anarcat-local:
# Exclude everything under the internal [Gmail] folder, except the interesting folders
#Patterns * ![Gmail]* "[Gmail]/Sent Mail" "[Gmail]/Starred" "[Gmail]/All Mail"
# Or include everything
#Patterns *
Patterns * !register  !.register
# Automatically create missing mailboxes, both locally and on the server
Create Both
#Create Near
# Sync the movement of messages between folders and deletions, add after making sure the sync works
Expunge Both
# Propagate mailbox deletion
Remove both
IMAPAccount anarcat-register-imap
User register
PassCmd "pass"
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
IMAPAccount anarcat-register-tunnel
Tunnel "ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_mbsync -o -C /usr/lib/dovecot/imap"
IMAPStore anarcat-register-remote
Account anarcat-register-tunnel
MaildirStore anarcat-register-local
SubFolders Maildir++
Inbox ~/Maildir/.register/
Channel anarcat-register
Far :anarcat-register-remote:
Near :anarcat-register-local:
Create Both
Expunge Both
Remove both
Note that it may be out of sync with my live (and private) configuration file, as I do not publish my "dotfiles" repository publicly for security reasons.

OfflineIMAP I've used OfflineIMAP for a long time before switching to SMD. I don't exactly remember why or when I started using it, but I do remember it became painfully slow as I started using notmuch, and would sometimes crash mysteriously. It's been a while, so my memory is hazy on that. It also kind of died in a fire when Python 2 stop being maintained. The main author moved on to a different project, imapfw which could serve as a framework to build IMAP clients, but never seemed to implement all of the OfflineIMAP features and certainly not configuration file compatibility. Thankfully, a new team of volunteers ported OfflineIMAP to Python 3 and we can now test that new version to see if it is an improvement over mbsync.

Crash on full sync The first thing that happened on a full sync is this crash:
Copy message from RemoteAnarcat:junk:
 ERROR: Copying message 30624 [acc: Anarcat]
  decoding with 'X-EUC-TW' codec failed (AttributeError: 'memoryview' object has no attribute 'decode')
Thread 'Copy message from RemoteAnarcat:junk' terminated with exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/", line 406, in utf7m_decode
    for c in binary.decode():
AttributeError: 'memoryview' object has no attribute 'decode'
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/", line 146, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 892, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/folder/", line 802, in copymessageto
    message = self.getmessage(uid)
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/folder/", line 342, in getmessage
    data = self._fetch_from_imap(str(uid), self.retrycount)
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/folder/", line 908, in _fetch_from_imap
    ndata1 = self.parser['8bit-RFC'].parsebytes(data[0][1])
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 123, in parsebytes
    return self.parser.parsestr(text, headersonly)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 67, in parsestr
    return self.parse(StringIO(text), headersonly=headersonly)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 56, in parse
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 176, in feed
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 180, in _call_parse
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 385, in _parsegen
    for retval in self._parsegen():
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 298, in _parsegen
    for retval in self._parsegen():
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 385, in _parsegen
    for retval in self._parsegen():
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 256, in _parsegen
    if self._cur.get_content_type() == 'message/delivery-status':
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 578, in get_content_type
    value = self.get('content-type', missing)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 471, in get
    return self.policy.header_fetch_parse(k, v)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 163, in header_fetch_parse
    return self.header_factory(name, value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 601, in __call__
    return self[name](name, value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 196, in __new__
    cls.parse(value, kwds)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 445, in parse
    kwds['parse_tree'] = parse_tree = cls.value_parser(value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 2675, in parse_content_type_header
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 2569, in parse_mime_parameters
    token, value = get_parameter(value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 2492, in get_parameter
    token, value = get_value(value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 2403, in get_value
    token, value = get_quoted_string(value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 1294, in get_quoted_string
    token, value = get_bare_quoted_string(value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 1223, in get_bare_quoted_string
    token, value = get_encoded_word(value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 1064, in get_encoded_word
    text, charset, lang, defects = _ew.decode('=?' + tok + '?=')
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 181, in decode
    string = bstring.decode(charset)
AttributeError: decoding with 'X-EUC-TW' codec failed (AttributeError: 'memoryview' object has no attribute 'decode')
Last 1 debug messages logged for Copy message from RemoteAnarcat:junk prior to exception:
thread: Register new thread 'Copy message from RemoteAnarcat:junk' (account 'Anarcat')
ERROR: Exceptions occurred during the run!
ERROR: Copying message 30624 [acc: Anarcat]
  decoding with 'X-EUC-TW' codec failed (AttributeError: 'memoryview' object has no attribute 'decode')
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/folder/", line 802, in copymessageto
    message = self.getmessage(uid)
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/folder/", line 342, in getmessage
    data = self._fetch_from_imap(str(uid), self.retrycount)
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/folder/", line 908, in _fetch_from_imap
    ndata1 = self.parser['8bit-RFC'].parsebytes(data[0][1])
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 123, in parsebytes
    return self.parser.parsestr(text, headersonly)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 67, in parsestr
    return self.parse(StringIO(text), headersonly=headersonly)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 56, in parse
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 176, in feed
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 180, in _call_parse
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 385, in _parsegen
    for retval in self._parsegen():
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 298, in _parsegen
    for retval in self._parsegen():
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 385, in _parsegen
    for retval in self._parsegen():
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 256, in _parsegen
    if self._cur.get_content_type() == 'message/delivery-status':
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 578, in get_content_type
    value = self.get('content-type', missing)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 471, in get
    return self.policy.header_fetch_parse(k, v)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 163, in header_fetch_parse
    return self.header_factory(name, value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 601, in __call__
    return self[name](name, value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 196, in __new__
    cls.parse(value, kwds)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 445, in parse
    kwds['parse_tree'] = parse_tree = cls.value_parser(value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 2675, in parse_content_type_header
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 2569, in parse_mime_parameters
    token, value = get_parameter(value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 2492, in get_parameter
    token, value = get_value(value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 2403, in get_value
    token, value = get_quoted_string(value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 1294, in get_quoted_string
    token, value = get_bare_quoted_string(value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 1223, in get_bare_quoted_string
    token, value = get_encoded_word(value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 1064, in get_encoded_word
    text, charset, lang, defects = _ew.decode('=?' + tok + '?=')
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/email/", line 181, in decode
    string = bstring.decode(charset)
Folder junk [acc: Anarcat]:
 Copy message UID 30626 (29008/49310) RemoteAnarcat:junk -> LocalAnarcat:junk
Command exited with non-zero status 100
5252.91user 535.86system 3:21:00elapsed 47%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 846304maxresident)k
96344inputs+26563792outputs (1189major+2155815minor)pagefaults 0swaps
That only transferred about 8GB of mail, which gives us a transfer rate of 5.3Mbit/s, more than 5 times slower than mbsync. This bug is possibly limited to the bullseye version of offlineimap3 (the lovely 0.0~git20210225.1e7ef9e+dfsg-4), while the current sid version (the equally gorgeous 0.0~git20211018.e64c254+dfsg-1) seems unaffected.

Tolerable performance The new release still crashes, except it does so at the very end, which is an improvement, since the mails do get transferred:
 *** Finished account 'Anarcat' in 511:12
ERROR: Exceptions occurred during the run!
ERROR: Exception parsing message with ID (<>) from imaplib (response type: bytes).
 AttributeError: decoding with 'X-EUC-TW' codec failed (AttributeError: 'memoryview' object has no attribute 'decode')
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/folder/", line 810, in copymessageto
    message = self.getmessage(uid)
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/folder/", line 343, in getmessage
    data = self._fetch_from_imap(str(uid), self.retrycount)
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/folder/", line 910, in _fetch_from_imap
    raise OfflineImapError(
ERROR: Exception parsing message with ID (<>) from imaplib (response type: bytes).
 AttributeError: decoding with 'x-mac-roman' codec failed (AttributeError: 'memoryview' object has no attribute 'decode')
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/folder/", line 810, in copymessageto
    message = self.getmessage(uid)
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/folder/", line 343, in getmessage
    data = self._fetch_from_imap(str(uid), self.retrycount)
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/folder/", line 910, in _fetch_from_imap
    raise OfflineImapError(
ERROR: IMAP server 'RemoteAnarcat' does not have a message with UID '32686'
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/folder/", line 810, in copymessageto
    message = self.getmessage(uid)
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/folder/", line 343, in getmessage
    data = self._fetch_from_imap(str(uid), self.retrycount)
  File "/usr/share/offlineimap3/offlineimap/folder/", line 889, in _fetch_from_imap
    raise OfflineImapError(reason, severity)
Command exited with non-zero status 1
8273.52user 983.80system 8:31:12elapsed 30%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 841936maxresident)k
56376inputs+43247608outputs (811major+4972914minor)pagefaults 0swaps
"offlineimap  -o " took 8 hours 31 mins 15 secs
This is 8h31m for transferring 12G, which is around 3.1Mbit/s. That is nine times slower than mbsync, almost an order of magnitude! Now that we have a full sync, we can test incremental synchronization. That is also much slower:
===> multitime results
1: sh -c "offlineimap -o   true"
            Mean        Std.Dev.    Min         Median      Max
real        24.639      0.513       23.946      24.526      25.708      
user        23.912      0.473       23.404      23.795      24.947      
sys         1.743       0.105       1.607       1.729       2.002
That is also an order of magnitude slower than mbsync, and significantly slower than what you'd expect from a sync process. ~30 seconds is long enough to make me impatient and distracted; 3 seconds, less so: I can wait and see the results almost immediately.

Integrity check That said: this is still on a gigabit link. It's technically possible that OfflineIMAP performs better than mbsync over a slow link, but I Haven't tested that theory. The OfflineIMAP mail spool is missing quite a few messages as well:
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ find Maildir-offlineimap -type f -type f -a \! -name '.*'   wc -l 
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ find Maildir -type f -type f -a \! -name '.*'   wc -l 
... although that's probably all either new messages or the register folder, so OfflineIMAP might actually be in a better position there. But digging in more, it seems like the actual per-folder diff is fairly similar to mbsync: a few messages missing here and there. Considering OfflineIMAP's instability and poor performance, I have not looked any deeper in those discrepancies.

Other projects to evaluate Those are all the options I have considered, in alphabetical order
  • doveadm-sync: requires dovecot on both ends, can tunnel over SSH, may have performance issues in incremental sync, written in C
  • fdm: fetchmail replacement, IMAP/POP3/stdin/Maildir/mbox,NNTP support, SOCKS support (for Tor), complex rules for delivering to specific mailboxes, adding headers, piping to commands, etc. discarded because no (real) support for keeping mail on the server, and written in C
  • getmail: fetchmail replacement, IMAP/POP3 support, supports incremental runs, classification rules, Python
  • interimap: syncs two IMAP servers, apparently faster than doveadm and offlineimap, but requires running an IMAP server locally, Perl
  • isync/mbsync: TLS client certs and SSH tunnels, fast, incremental, IMAP/POP/Maildir support, multiple mailbox, trash and recursion support, and generally has good words from multiple Debian and notmuch people (Arch tutorial), written in C, review above
  • mail-sync: notify support, happens over any piped transport (e.g. ssh), diff/patch system, requires binary on both ends, mentions UUCP in the manpage, mentions rsmtp which is a nice name for rsendmail. not evaluated because it seems awfully complex to setup, Haskell
  • nncp: treat the local spool as another mail server, not really compatible with my "multiple clients" setup, Golang
  • offlineimap3: requires IMAP, used the py2 version in the past, might just still work, first sync painful (IIRC), ways to tunnel over SSH, review above, Python
Most projects were not evaluated due to lack of time.

Conclusion I'm now using mbsync to sync my mail. I'm a little disappointed by the synchronisation times over the slow link, but I guess that's on par for the course if we use IMAP. We are bound by the network speed much more than with custom protocols. I'm also worried about the C implementation and the crashes I have witnessed, but I am encouraged by the fast upstream response. Time will tell if I will stick with that setup. I'm certainly curious about the promises of interimap and mail-sync, but I have ran out of time on this project.

1 November 2021

Andreas R nnquist: Debian packages, version numbers and pre-release versions

Getting the latest version of a package into Debian involves checking when there are new versions available fortunately (and not surprisingly) Debian has tools to make this simpler. I have recently ran into the problem when an upstream beta version sorts higher than a newer non-beta version. Which is problematic, of course. This is due to Debian sorting something like 1.0b as later than a pure 1.0 version.
gusnan@debian-i7:~ > dpkg --compare-versions 1.0b lt 1.0 && echo true
gusnan@debian-i7:~ > dpkg --compare-versions 1.0b gt 1.0 && echo true
But there s a solution name the beta versions something like 1.0~beta. And you don t need to force upstream to make any changes either. You can use uscan and the watch file to make it interpret an upstream 1.0b version as 1.0~beta in Debian. This is done by using a line like
uversionmangle=s/(\d)[\_\.\-\+]?((RC rc pre dev beta alpha b a)\d*)$/$1~$2/;s/\~b/\~beta/;,\
in uversionmangle in your debian/watch file. In this case i have added on the end something to make the ending ~b into ~beta instead. Full version of the watch file available here.

23 August 2021

Leandro Doctors: Clojure CLI Tools in Debian - GSoC 2021 Final Report

NOTE: this blog post is based on my "Clojure CLI Tools in Debian" GSoC 2021 project Final Report.

IntroMy name is Leandro Doctors ( allentiak on IRC), and I ve been the GSoC intern working with the Debian Clojure Team during 2021. This is my final report. You can also check my original proposal and my first report.

SummaryWhereas the raw data may not sound by itself very positive, my personal conclusion is. This is, whereas I didn t fully finish the required deliverables envisioned in my original proposal, I do feel I am much closer to, eventually, becoming a Debian Developer. So, by all means, I consider this project has had a positive outcome.

ProjectThe goal of the Clojure Build Tools in Debian project was to provide Clojure Debian users with some of the latest advanced build tools and libraries the upstream Clojure developers have been lately working on. These include tools.deps.alpha, a library for dependency graph resolution and classpath building, and the CLI tool clj, for REPL interaction. If time permitted, I was also to improve the quality of both new and existing Clojure packages, and the overall Debian Clojure packaging process. My mentor was Louis-Louis-Philippe V ronneau, and my co-mentor was Utkarsh Gupta.

MotivationWhy this project? On the one side, if you re a Clojure lover like me, you may have noticed that the Clojure experience in Debian is, as of mid 2021, well... still quiet limited. Additionally, this project aligned with my own background in Free Software community building and my research interest in Peer Production.When I mention how limited today s Clojure experience in Debian is, I can see two reasons for this, deeply intertwined. The first one is that there currently aren t many Clojure-specific packaging tools in Debian (such as a clojure-debian-helper). The second reason for which we only currently have a suboptimal Clojure experience in Debian, and probably the root of the previous one, is that many core build tools and libraries for the language have not simply been packaged yet. My project aimed to attack that seemingly root cause.As I said, another reason for me choosing this project is my own experience as the Co-founder and Leader of, probably, the first Free Software Community experience in my hometown of San Juan, Argentina. That interest in Free Software evolved in a first PhD attempt in what is now known as the field of Peer Production. A subject that has lived within me as a research interest during my day job at a University.Being a Clojure fan, it felt only logical combining all those interests somehow. And this project seemed like the ideal combination.

The Debian Clojure TeamI ve been working with a small, yet very warm team. The current incarnation of the Debian Clojure Team exists thanks to the hard work of three people.Elana Hashman (aka the Clojure necromancer ), revived the team around three years ago. Later on, the team gained the invaluable presence of Louis-Philippe V ronneau and Utkarsh Gupta (my mentor and co-mentor, respectively).Together, these Three Musketeers have maintained the team alive, allowing us, Debian users, to enjoy Clojure.

StatusDuring the first part of my project, I mainly worked on learning the basics of Debian packaging, and got my first package uploaded. I have to thank Louis-Philippe, Utkarsh, and Elana for their immense patience and support during that part, as it took me quite some effort grasping the basics of Debian packaging.During the second part of my project, I worked on my last packages, and almost completed the originally required scope of the project. I only have to finish working on the transition from the currently provided set of packages (based on a Debian-specific clojure runner) to the newly provided upstream clojure and clj runners.Unfortunately, I didn t have much time left to start working on the opportunities for improvement already identified by the Debian Clojure Team originally outlined in my proposal. Whereas I did update one older Clojure package not built using leiningen (tools-data-xml-clojure), I didn t write any Lintian tags to make Clojure packaging in Debian more robust, nor worked towards the automation of Clojure unit tests in autopkgtests via autodep8.

Deliverables: Data vs. ConclusionsIf we are to talk about deliverables, we should start with the data. According to my original proposal, I was required to provide both new and updated Clojure packages accepted into Debian unstable , and updated Clojure packaging documentation. Additionally, if time permitted, I was to also provide new Clojure Lintian tags merged by the Lintian maintainers, and new Clojure autodep8 scripts merged by the autodep8 maintainers. Whereas I partially accomplished both required tasks, I didn t manage to start working on any of the optional deliverables.When looked in isolation, those numbers may look somewhat disappointing for some people. However, I can draw a much more positive conclusion. Why?Firstly, GSoC is supposed to be a learning experience. Moreover, as I said in my original proposal, I approach[ed] this project as a great opportunity to, finally, start my journey towards becoming a Debian Developer . In that sense, I consider the time invested into this project fruitful. In this way, I have learned the basics of packaging, how to interact with the Debian Clojure Team, and and already got my first packages accepted. Plus, I m looking forward to continuing to work with the Debian Clojure Team so I can attain the original scope of the project. Therefore, all things considered, I can consider this experience as a moderate success.

Lessons LearnedTechnically speaking, if I have learned one thing during these weeks, is that packaging, although easy to be underestimated, is by no means a trivial process. As any Debian Developer surely knows, the onboarding process can take some time. Plus, what is easy for some people, can be difficult for others. In my case, this was quite evident. Whereas I can speak several languages and learning new ones takes me little effort, grasping the basics of packaging took me (literally!) blood, sweat and tears. Indeed, the packaging learning curve was quite steep for me.That being said, I did learn a thing or two about packaging. So, if I managed to get here, I m sure many others can. It may take them more or less time than what it took me, but learning (at least the basics) of packaging is an achievable goal.Technical skill learning aside, I value very highly the non-technical skills I have so far improved during this project.For instance, I also learned that it can take some time to adapt to real-time online communication. Before this project, remote working meant either exchanging emails or getting into video or audio calls, with a low emphasis on chat-based interaction. Early on, I realized that the Debian Clojure Team interacts almost exclusively via, well... chat! And those two approaches are very different indeed. It has taken me some time to adjust, but I ve improved greatly in this aspect as well.Finally, improving my time management skills has been also a key part of this process. Whereas I had already been working remotely for over a year and a half already, my day job is not so interaction-dependent as this project (specially in the beginning). So it took me some time to adapt to this way of working, and to plan my workload so I could use those waiting moments to advance in other parts of the project. Still a lot to improve here, but improving nevertheless.

AcknowledgmentsI first have to thank upstream. More specifically, one of the upstream developers of the clojure-tools, Alex Miller. Everytime I needed specific information on what do specific parts of the Clojure CLI tools s codebase do, tools.deps.alpha do, he popped up a reply in a matter of hours. He has shown genuine interest in the success of is project during by carefully replying to my emails with detailed explanations of code intent and form, both in private and in public conversations. Thank you for all that, Alex!Let s move on to the Debian Clojure Team.First, Elana. I thank Elana for her initial openness when I first contacted her about this idea. It was *her* who initially contacted Louis-Philippe so he would become my mentor. I wouldn t have started to work on this project if it wasn t for her. Plus, she provided quite a piece of advise in more that one ocassion. So, thank you very much for all that, Elana!I also thank Utkarsh, my co-mentor, for his overall technical advise. And a special mention to his initial help to setup my Matrix client for OFTC chat. At that moment, it was *him* who took the time to help me in real time so I could solve that problem. So, thank you very much for all that, Utkarsh!I finally have to thank Louis-Philippe, my mentor, for his patient guidance during the whole process. His dedication and hard work has been *instrumental* for my progress. And a special mention for his tolerance with respect to some unforeseen personal circumstances I had to endure during the first weeks. When one is playing the newbie, times abound when one depends on other people s feedback. And Debian is made of volunteers, who have a life outside it. Every time I asked, Louis-Philippe was there. I wouldn t have gotten here if it wasn t for him. So, thank you *so* much for all that, Louis-Philippe!

Final WordsI would like to close this report with a reflection.I have been using Debian for many, many years now, and I had been looking for a way to contribute back to the project for some time already. I even did some work on a non-packaging Debian project. That being said, I never managed to deliver much, really.So, the very existence of outreach programs as this one is, in my humble opinion, crucial. In my case, the funding I got through the GSoC program was instrumental in being able to allocate time for this endeavor, and to finally get started contributing to Debian. Plus, it has had a very positive impact on me; in many ways, some of which I am only starting to discover now that the project is ending.When I put things into perspective, this project is very important for me. Actually, it is nothing but the first step within a long-term journey: becoming a Debian member. Hopefully, I would like to be able to apply for Debian membership by the end of this year.

Questions?Thank you very much for your time reading this! I look forward to hearing (or reading) your feedback. Please come and meet with the Debian Clojure Team Moreover, I will be in the Clojure BoF on DebConf2021. Moreover, do not hesitate to send me an email.


Task Status
  • Required Tasks:
    • T1: Setting up a full Debian packaging development environment and learning the basics of Debian packaging.
      • Successfully completed the first part during the Application period.
      • Successfully completed the second part during the Coding periods.
    • T2: Identifying and packaging the missing dependencies to package clojure-cli.
      • Successfully completed as of the end of Coding II.
    • T3: Packaging clojure-cli.
      • 90% done as of the end of Coding II.
    • T4: Updating clojure to use clojure-cli.
      • To be completed after GSoC.
    • T5: Updating the Clojure Packaging Guide with information on how to use the new clojure-cli scripts.
      • Improved existing documentation. To be completed after GSoC.
  • Optional Tasks:
    • T6: Writing Lintian tags to make Clojure packaging in Debian more robust.
      • To be completed after GSoC.
    • T7: Working to automate Clojure unit testing in autopkgtests using autodep8.
      • To be completed after GSoC.
    • T8: Updating older Clojure packages not built using leiningen or clojure-cli.
      • To be completed after GSoC.

  1. Updated packages:
  2. New packages:
    • tools-gitlibs-clojure -- Clojure API for programatically accessing git libraries. ITP: #905543 in NEW.
    • ITP: tools-deps-alpha-clojure -- functional API for dependency management and classpath creation Needs to be uploaded by Louis-Philippe.
  3. In-Progress packages:
    • ITP: clojure-cli -- upstream CLI entrypoints for Clojure 90% done - Package completed. I only need to finish implementing the transition from existing clojure scripts. To be completed after GSoC.
  4. Opened ITPs:
  5. Reported bugs

  1. Interactions with upstream in the Debian-Clojure mailing list:
    • Many productive interactions with one of the upstream developers, Alex Miller (June, August).
  2. Wiki page:

15 August 2021

Mike Gabriel: Chromium Policies Managed under Linux

For a customer project, I recently needed to take a closer look at best strategies of deploying Chromium settings to thrillions of client machines in a corporate network. Unfortunately, the information on how to deploy site-wide Chromium browser policies are a little scattered over the internet and the intertwining of Chromium preferences and Chromium policies required deeper introspection. Here, I'd like to provide the result of that research, namely a list of references that has been studied before setting up Chromium policies for the customer's proof-of-concept. Difference between Preferences and Policies Chromium can be controlled via preferences (mainly user preferences) and administratively rolled-out policy files. The difference between preferences and policies are explained here: The site-admin (or distro package maintainer) can pre-configure the user's Chromium experience via a master preferences file (/etc/chromium/master_preferences). This master preferences file is the template for the user's preferences file and gets copied over into the Chromium user profile folder on first browser start. Note: By studying the recent Chromium code it was found out that /etc/chromium/master_preferences is the legacy filename of the initial preferences file. The new filename is /etc/chromium/initial_preferences. We will continue with master_preferences here as most Linux distributions still provide the initial preferences via this file. Whereas the new filename is already supported by Chromium in openSUSE/SLES, it is not yet support by Chromium in Debian/Ubuntu. (See Debian bug #992178). Difference of 'managed' and 'recommended' Policies The difference between 'managed' and 'recommended' Chromium policies is explained here: Quoting from above URL (last visited 2021/08): Policies that should be editable by the user are called "recommended policies" and offer a better alternative than the master_preferences file. Their contents can be changed and are respected as long as the user has not modified the value of that preference themselves. So, policies of type 'managed' override user preferences (and also lock them in the Chromium settings UI). Those 'managed' policies are good for enforcing browser settings. They can be blended in also for existing browser user profiles. Policies ('managed' and 'recommended') even get blended it at browser run-time when modified. Use case: e.g. for rolling out browser security settings that are required for enforcing a site-policy-compliant browser user configuration. Policies of type 'recommended' have an impact on setting defaults of the Chromium browser. They apply to already existing browser profiles, if the user hasn't tweaked with the to-be-recommended settings, yet. Also, they get applied at browser run-time. However, if the user has already fiddled with such a to-be-recommended setting via the Chromium settings UI, the user choice takes precedence over the recommended policy. Use case: Policies of type 'recommended' are good for long-term adjustments to browser configuration options. Esp. if users don't touch their browser settings much, 'recommended' policies are a good approach for fine-tuning site-wide browser settings on user machines. CAVEAT: While researching on this topic, two problematic observations were made:
  1. All setting parameters put into the master preferences file (/etc/chromium/master_preferences) can't be superceded by 'recommended' Chromium policies. Pre-configured preferences are handled as if the user has already tinkered with those preferences in Chromium's settings UI. It also was discovered, that distributors tend to overload /etc/chromium/master_preferences with their best practice browser settings. Everything that is not required on first browser start should be provided as 'recommended' policies, already in the distribution packages for Chromium .
  2. There does not seem to be an elegant way to override the package maintainer's choice of options in /etc/chromium/master_preferences file via some file drop-in replacement. (See Debian bug #992179). So, deploying Chromium involves post-install config file tinkering by hand, by script or by config management tools. There is space for improvement here.
Managing Chromium Policy with Files Chromium supports 'managed' policies and 'recommended' policies. Policies get deployed as JSON files. For Linux, this is explained here: Note, that for Chromium, the policy files have to be placed into /etc/chromium. The example on the above web page shows where to place them for Google Chrome. Good 'How to Get Started' Documentation for Chromium Policy Setups This overview page provides a good get-started-documentation on how to provision Chromium via policies: First-Run Preferences It seems, not every setting can be tweaked via a Chromium policy. Esp. the first-run preferences are affected by this: So, for tweaking the first-run settings, one needs to adjust /etc/chromium/master_prefences (which is suboptimal, again see Debian bug #992179 for a detailed explanation on why this is suboptimal). The required adjustments to master_preferences can be achieved with the jq command line tool, here is one example:
# Tweak chromium's /etc/chromium/master_preferences file.
# First change: drop everything that can be provisioned via Chromium Policies.
# Rest of the changes: Adjust preferences for new users to our needs for all
# parameters that cannot be provisioned via Chromium Policies.
cat /etc/chromium/master_preferences   \
    jq 'del(.browser.show_home_button, .browser.check_default_browser, .homepage)'  
    jq '.first_run_tabs=[ "", "" ]'  
    jq '.default_apps="noinstall"'  
    jq '.credentials_enable_service=false   .credentials_enable_autosignin=false'  
    jq '.search.suggest_enabled=false'  
    jq '.distribution.import_bookmarks=false   .distribution.verbose_logging=false   .distribution.skip_first_run_ui=true'  
    jq '.distribution.create_all_shortcuts=true   .distribution.suppress_first_run_default_browser_prompt=true'  
    cat > /etc/chromium/master_preferences.adapted
if [ -n "/etc/chromium/master_preferences.adapted" ]; then
        mv /etc/chromium/master_preferences.adapted /etc/chromium/master_preferences
        echo "WARNING (chromium tweaks): The file /etc/chromium/master_preferences.adapted was empty after tweaking."
        echo "                           Leaving /etc/chromium/master_preferences untouched."
The list of available (first-run and other) initial preferences can be found in Chromium's code file: List of Available Chromium Policies The list of available Chromium policies used to be maintained in the Chromium wiki: However, that page these days redirects to the Google Chrome Enterprise documentation: Each policy variable has its own documentation page there. Please note the "Supported Features" section for each policy item. There, you can see, if the policy supports being placed into "recommended" and/or "managed". This is an example /etc/chromium/policies/managed/50_browser-security.json file (note that all kinds of filenames are allowed, even files without .json suffix):
  "HideWebStoreIcon": true,
  "DefaultBrowserSettingEnabled": false,
  "AlternateErrorPagesEnabled": false,
  "AutofillAddressEnabled": false,
  "AutofillCreditCardEnabled": false,
  "NetworkPredictionOptions": 2,
  "SafeBrowsingProtectionLevel": 0,
  "PaymentMethodQueryEnabled": false,
  "BrowserSignin": false,
And this is an example /etc/chromium/policies/recommended/50_homepage.json file:
  "ShowHomeButton": true,
  "WelcomePageOnOSUpgradeEnabled": false,
  "HomepageLocation": ""
And for defining a custom search provider, I use /etc/chromium/policies/recommended/60_searchprovider.json (here, I recommend not using DuckDuckGo as DefaultSearchProviderName, but some custom name; unfortunately, I did not find a policy parameter that simply selects an already existing search provider name as the default :-( ):
  "DefaultSearchProviderEnabled": true,
  "DefaultSearchProviderName": "DuckDuckGo used by",
  "DefaultSearchProviderIconURL": "",
  "DefaultSearchProviderEncodings": ["UTF-8"],
  "DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL": " searchTerms ",
  "DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL": " searchTerms &type=list",
  "DefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL": ""
The Essence and Recommendations On first startup, Chromium copies /etc/chromium/master_preferences to $HOME/.config/chromium/Default/Preferences. It does this only if the Chromium user profile has'nt been created, yet. So, settings put into master_preferences by the distro and the site or device admin are one-time-shot preferences (new user logs into a device, preferences get applied on first start of Chromium). Chromium policy files, however, get continuously applied at browser runtime. Chromium watches its policy files and you can observe Chromium settings change when policy files get modified. So, for continuously provisioning site-wide settings that mostly always trickle into the user's browser configuration, Chromium policies should definitely be preferred over master_preferences and this should be the approach to take. When using Chromium policies, one needs to take into account that settings in /etc/chromium/master_preferences seem to have precedence over 'recommended' policies. So, settings that you want to deploy as recommended policies must be removed from /etc/chromium/master_preferences. Essentially, these are the recommendations extracted from all the above research and information for deploying Chromium on enterprise scale:
  1. Everything that's required at first-run should go into /etc/chromium/master_preferences.
  2. Everything that's not required at first-run should be removed from /etc/chromium/master_preferences.
  3. Everything that's deployable as a Chromium policy should be deployed as a policy (as you can influence existing browser sessions with that, also long-term)
  4. Chromium policy files should be split up into several files. Chromium parses those files in alpha-numerical order. If policies occur more than once, the last policy being parsed takes precedence.
Feedback If you have any feedback or input on this post, I'd be happy to hear it. Please get in touch via the various channels where I am known as sunweaver (OFTC and IRC, [matrix], Mastodon, E-Mail at, etc.). Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks! light+love
Mike Gabriel (aka sunweaver)

